Anyone in bit-hdtv?


Hey guys,

I have a.c in bit-hdtv which i havent used for a while.

Today when i tried logging in , i was not able to and to my shock my email id itself is not in the database.

I think it has been hacked.

Can any one of u in bit-hdtv contact a mod or admin there and ask abt the same ?

I had also abt 2 invites :(

My a.c name was kissbang !

Tia !!!
Thanks a lot for replying guys, I went to the channel provided in Mirc, however there seems to be no users in that channel ...

Can anyone from here having a a.c in bit-hdtv raise the issue for me ?

^.. Nobody can.. Its onto you to raise it.. If a MOD shows pity then he might activate the a/c but I doubt it..

All private trackers have limited user base. They prune a/c's with no activity to make room for new members.. Since you didn't logged in, they understood that you do not need the a/c so system automatically disabled you..

It will be really hard to enable that a/c.. You may have to wait for someone to invite you again to the site...