anyone tried DVD-Audio?

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i recently cam to kw that hindi mov songs are available in DVD Audio format. AFAIK, only yashraj makes them.

quote frm yashraj website

This Audio DVD disc features all the 11 songs in pristine quality sound formats featured below:
1. Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) 5.1 - 24 bit / 96 KHz.
2. Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) 2.0 - 24 bit / 48 KHz
3. Dolby Digital 5.1 - 24 bit / 48 KHz.
4. Dolby Digital Stereo - 24 bit / 48 KHz.
5. DTS Digital Surround Sound 5.1 - 24 bit / 48 KHz.

any one heard them??
my audigy 2ZS came with a DVD audio disc which sounded great first , but later AC3/DTS, and later SSRC/KS'd audio cd's also sounded the same :D
Its the best quality audio out there. Yashraj Films have realeased a few DVD-A titles @299 each...really cheap when compared to the other DVD-A imports. There is a ton of difference in quality when you listen between DVD-A and a regular audio CD.
espeez said:
There is a ton of difference in quality when you listen between DVD-A and a regular audio CD.
Dude, with all respect you don't know what your talking about do you?

The DVD-A disc will give you a 5.1 soundtrack (And yashraj isn't even giving a Linear PCM, dunno why), but for a stereo setup, nothing can get close to a real audio CD ;)
i think, technically the DVD A should sound better than a CD, but still CD/PCM audio is a mature technology, while folks are just figuring out MLP etc, not to mention the increased bit depth and frequency. current 16 bit DAC's give about 90 dB compared to the theoretical 96 dB max, while most DAC's max out at about 120, so the claimed 144 seems like a waste. and then comes frequency response.... who has equipment which can reproduce >20k, and those who can afford them are usually too old to hear 20+Khz :P

Either way, lets give it some time ;) the same was said of CD's over LP's when first introduced, because though they were made to have 16 bit resolution, more often than not , the recording and playback systems of those times were 14 bit :P .

only time will tell, but for now , CD is good enough :)
^ Very well put greenhorn, it needs time!

greenhorn said:
who has equipment which can reproduce >20k, and those who can afford them are usually too old to hear 20+Khz :P
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So true!
Anish said:
The DVD-A disc will give you a 5.1 soundtrack (And yashraj isn't even giving a Linear PCM, dunno why), but for a stereo setup, nothing can get close to a real audio CD ;)

agreed, Linear PCM delivers best quality sound.
but, for multichannel, u need MLP encoding.

heres y DVD audio is superior.

quote frm

Currently the highest quality sound comes with Linear PCM coding. Unfortunately, distribution formats like CD and DVD do not require the mastering or playback process to be lossless - that is the data can be subtly changed on the way through the production chain.

MLP is a true lossless system. The original data is delivered bit-for-bit at the playback. It even has a method of confirming that the whole chain is lossless. This means that for the first time, the listener can be sure of hearing exactly what the producer intended - bit-for-bit, note-for-note. There is no need for elaborate listening tests to qualify this coding system - it simply guarantees delivery of the original recording, efficiently, over a number of carriers, archive and computing platforms.
just listen to the Dhoom2 sountrack on CD and DVD-A(MLP 2.0) on any half decent set of speakers and you'll know what I am talking about :)

Or if you can get hold of ELP's Brain surgery on DVD-A and compare it with its CD version. Its not DTS or 5.1 tracks i am talking abt its the MLP ones. Its pretty simple if you havnt had a listen you dont know :P
sujit801 said:
agreed, Linear PCM delivers best quality sound.

but, for multichannel, u need MLP encoding.

heres y DVD audio is superior.

quote frm

OMG, what a load of bull$.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

did you even understand that ?

too sleepy to write a point by point rebuttal. will do if required tomorrow.
ppl sayin vcd is better than dvd or dvd is better than blue ray or 720p is better than 1080p tsk wat has dis world come me to!? tsk

we kicked Sa butt yaaay cheers :)
sujit801 said:
if any fellow te member makes mistake, try correcting instead of mking fun

to store 5.1 tracks in 24/96, MLP encoding is required

I wasnt laughing at you, was laughing at the article... it was just marketing blah, written to sound technical to a non technical audience. Someone who can actually comprehend it will see right through it :P

and yes ,MLP is just another lossless compression format like FLAC, definitely not REQUIRED for multichannel, but is useful , like you said to put 24/96 multichannel audio into a DVD.
You guys are not going to believe this - this is what my first music system looked like.... YUP I was around when these players were the hi-tech must-have audio equipment. Compare the sound from this to a DVD-A :ohyeah:

and yes ,MLP is just another lossless compression format like FLAC, definitely not REQUIRED for multichannel, but is useful , like you said to put 24/96 multichannel audio into a DVD.

I am just bumping a very old topic, just to correct a mistake. (To avoid feeding someone with wrong information)

MLP is compulsory for 24/96 in DVD -Audio. Its because the maximum throughput of the DVD is 9.8Mbps. So if you try to record a 5.1 channel audio is 24/96, then the bitrate is 13.8Mbps (24*96*6) which exceeds the throughput.

So we need a compression technique here and MLP is accepted as the standard. But this MLP is not necessary if you record 2 channels in 24/96 or 24/192.

And DVD-Audio at 24/192 OR 24/96 is way superior than any original CD/DTS/Dolby Digital Music, but you cant find the difference unless you are young and using some Hi-fi equipments.
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