The gameplay is vastly different from RON, its a good thing actually, they have concentrated more on the military aspect then resource gathering this time.
Some 3-4 hrs playing later, I feel the game plays somewhat like warhammer 40k, the physics and big blast certainly sound similar. Obviously the game needs some major tweaking. Resource gathering has taken a major backseat this time, with just 2 resources to gather and which are more or less automated.
We have the hero concept in this, it plays kinda similar to WC3 aka hero plays a huge role in your army, and could be make a winning or losing impact. Unlike Wc3, defence is I feel overbeefed up, or atleast the AI plays very dumb, in the demo maps there are certain choke points where you can just build a couple of defence turrets, and you can be safe till the end.
The audio for the game has vastly improved, especially if you have an audigy class soundcard, as now you can hear multiple sounds at the same time. It sounds very grand when you have a big fight going on.
All in all, I felt the game played a lil like Warhammer 40k then a RON game, but it lacked the tight tweaked feel of warhammer 40k. and yeah the AI needs a lot of improving to do. we have the classic AI malfunctions seen in M$ games where the enemy just keeps streaming small armies waiting to get raped at the *choke* points.
Enuff said, I am waiting for the game, I believe will be immensely fun to play multiplayer like warhammer ( which I feel is by the greatest multiplayer RTS ) game.