Anyone using Meghbela broadband in Kolkata???

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Wishnet has no FUP and their prices are reasonable - I pay under 800 for a 768kbps unlimited and the 1MBS is around the 1K mark.

They have a free feature called FUC (f@#$Ed up connection) - very high packet loss when the number of simultaneous connections increases. And this gets worse with increasing connections. So essentially if you or anyone else on the network is trying to leech or seed a torrent, you can forget smooth browsing even if you cap connection speeds. Even if you don't use torrents yourself, you're hosed if someone else does.

They've been trying to spot and troubleshoot the issue for 6 months now, ever since I got the connection. No luck - they don't even know what's causing it!
one of my friends is using it, he got 4 mbps speeds for his 256 kbps for almost 6 months.. lol.. and yeah i think no ****ed up policy in meghbela...
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