anyone using netflix???

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guys, i want to setup a home system where i can access netflix / hulu etc + spotify / pandora on my android phone. i can get apple tv but mostly ill be watching neflix from my laptop - connected to my 39 tv + speakers

router i have is the airtel beetel old (cant seem to get my 8817 tp link to setup properly)
and a asus rt-ac68u
8MBPS connection

can anyone help me setup a vpn on it and get netflix working!! ?

ALSO if anyone else is already using netflix and has any inputs on their setup< please let me know thanks
is that possible? if we tweak the vpn settings in the asus? can we split wireless ?? the airtel beetel is a wifi +adsl .. the tplink is not -
is that possible? if we tweak the vpn settings in the asus? can we split wireless ?? the airtel beetel is a wifi +adsl .. the tplink is not -

That, sir, is the power of DD WRT. We will need to setup a VPN tunnel. Bridge that to a 2nd WiFi network. You will get a different WAN ip. Not tested yet though - purely theoretical.
vivek - got netflix a/c today .. trying a free vpn for now, im having trouble gettting hd to turn on automatically on the pc atleast. slow ping times aswell
sd content loads and runs fine no issues. and do u know anyone who can run some cat5/6 cables from one room to the other, or externally in the building. (same floor) ac68u works better for the 5ghz band but 2.4 still having some issues reaching all over. better throughput overall. just minor bugs need help sorting them out :(
I've been using the Hola Unblocker plugin in Chrome as well as the Hola app on Android. I'm able to stream HD content on my 2Mbps connection after a few minutes of buffering.
ok finally i seem to have sorted my issues out, tried some different placement for the 68u and booom haha wifi across the house so far its good no issues, just a few optimizations left .. only vpn left now .. will register soon and hopefully ill start watching some proper hd content. - jeri how do u watch neflix?
should i bother with roku/appletv or just stream through pc. i already have a wireless keyboard + mouse
Well. I just use my TV remote. :). Its a smart TV. But if you are out for a dedicated player, get a Roku or the Amazon Fire. Ignore Apple TV please.

wireless keyboard and a mouse is a chore. :@. Use one hand remote only.
This is what I prefer.
Thats why you must choose the VPN after checking with a trial package. I heard that VyrVPN which was good is not on the ISP Whitelist for Netflix.

Frankly, I fail to understand the idealogy behind Comcast and the likes. Traffic is traffic. Earlier they used slow down P2P transfers, now this. ISPs are holding users and companies alike to ransom.
vivek - alot of these guys in india over at a hifi forum are using paid dns for netflix / whats the difference between that and a paid vpn - (also ill be switching neflix between 4 devices - ipad retina mini / and three laptops - only one will be watching at a time mostly - and phones for music services like pandora/spotify ..... im just confused which route to go for - internet is workin fine now round the house so i dont think streams should be an issue. just confused on what to choose :S
Does anyone use Spotify? Which devices and how did you get it to work? I've been wracking my brains the last few days.
Have been using Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Pandora for a few years now. I always found VPN providers, free or paid, to not be up to the mark for streaming HD content continuously. Eventually I set up my own VPN on a cheap VPS ($24/yr) I had and would connect to it from my PC or phone. Later I set up a router with dd-wrt to connect to the VPN and give me a wi-fi network for it around the house, which is the setup I've been using for over a year now. No issues yet and I'm only limited by my 8 Mbps ADSL connection, since the VPS has a 100Mbps line.

@AsidXxx I have the Spotify Premium account so i'm able to use it seamlessly from my PC or phone without the need of a vpn. Earlier you needed a premium account to access it from the phone even in the US, but now they allow free access from the phone as long as you have a US IP (with limitations though). What problems have you been facing?
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thanks niks .. I've registered onto unotelly for a free dns trial and so far haven't had any issues. hd streams r fine once the buffer is adjusted in the browser - do u suggest going in for a vpn? and could u tellme how u watch all the content from hulu + amazon prime. I'm thinking of picking up a device later on... since anyway u need a dns service, I'm confused if i should get a vpn or not.. :S
Well, a DNS service only works for the services which it is configured for, which is a lot in the case of UnoTelly. If the services you want to use are limited to that list then it should be good enough. A VPN on the other hand gives you access to any service or website as if you were in the US, a requirement which comes up for me from time to time. In my case, since I already had a VPS, I thought of putting it to use as it was only costing me $2 a month, much cheaper than the paid VPNs out there and I had other stuff running on the VPS as well. With a VPN, you won't need a separate dns service since the dns resolution would be through the VPN's dns servers.

For all the services, be it Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Spotify, I have paid accounts on all of them and I use several devices across the house to access them - Roku, PS3, my PC, phone and tablet
^^ They just increased it to $9/month. Was $8, still is for existing customers for the next two years.
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