Storage Solutions Apparent DVD-Writer Problem - BenQ DW 1620

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Hi! fellas,

I have been facing this apparent problem with my BenQ DW 1620 for about a month now. The problem stared with burning Moserbaer 16X DVD+R ( MBIPG101 R05 media ID)disks....The disks are not well written ,...quality check with cdspeed shows quality anywhere between 0-70 but mostly zero :no: And there are huge spikes in the PIF graph. in few cases these occured at the end of the disks and in others in between......i was just wondering whether anything could be wrong with the writer or its just the case of bad disks. but a whole lot of bad disks seems unlikely.....even sony dvd+rw too didn't fare well...quality score was 59...any tests i can do to find out whether the burner is bad ....other than of course taking it to some other machine and testing it there....if its really the writer how do i make it clear to the vendor ....its under 2 yr warranty....but since almost 1.5yrs have gone past i think i have to take it to authorised service center of benq in case the writer turns faulty.....and i'd be thankful if you could let me know the same....anyways that i can find out even later.....coz of this burner not working now i'm left with just arnd 1GB free out of a really pathetic situaton......i'd appreciate any help in this matter...

thanks in advance.
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