Appeal for help!

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An Appeal for Help


The Students [Semester V]

B-Tech Information Technology

College of Engineering, Guindy

Ana University, Sardar Patel Road,


Sub: An Appeal for Help

We the students of Anna University, currently pursuing our third year B.Tech(Information Technology) have joined our hands together in prayer and urgently seek your help for our fellow colleague and classmate S.Vigneshwaran.

S.Vigneshwaran has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a complicated and rare form of cancer. He has been battling the disease with tremendous fortitude over the past four years, and has been operated upon twice, during 2001 and 2004, for blood transfusion. He recuperated well and has been performing very creditably in college.

Regrettably, fate intervened, and in April 2006, he has been diagnosed with a serious and debilitating condition and has been admitted into Apollo Specialty Hospital, Teynampet. Doctors have suggested that a Bone Marrow Transplant be performed upon him followed by chemotherapy for relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). This operation needs to be urgently performed within 10 days time.

The cost of the operation alone is Rs. 15 Lakhs. Having already spent Rs. 16 Lakhs on former treatments, his parents are without resources for the current operation. They have liquidated all possible assets to keep their son and hopes alive and now are unable to afford further expenses for the treatment.

As friends of Vigneshwaran, we seek your intervention to save a life, a valuable resource of the country. We are trying our best to rally round and raise contributions and financial assistance for this expensive surgery. We need financial help.

At this hour of crisis we have turned to you for help and are confident that we will not be disappointed. We humbly request you to contribute generously towards the operation. The students of Anna University, Chennai shall forever remain deeply indebted to you for any financial assistance you could provide to enable us defray the expenses for the operation and save a life. We have full faith in your benevolence and will anxiously await your responses.

In your able hands we humbly place the case and firmly believe that you will help us spark rather than snuff out this light of promise.

From students and staff, alumni of our institution.

Yours Truly,

The Students of B.Tech IT


Proceeds for the above cause can be made in cash, DD or cheque to the following account.
Vigneshwarans's Medical Relief Fund
Sb acc/no 30060449430
SBI, Anna University

Branch Code 6463

Please do pass it on! i hope he gets all the help he needs :(
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