Apple sues Samsung for patent violations

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Molar Police
Staff member
:bleh: Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung for allegedly copying iPone 4 and iPad designs.
Whoa! In the world of big-time lawsuits, this must be just about the biggest. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple has sued Samsung Electronics for copying "the look and feel" of its iPad tablet and iPhone smartphone. This relates to the Samsung Galaxy S 4G, which bears more than a passing resemblance to the iPhone 3G / 3GS models, and the slightly less obvious Epic 4G, Nexus S, and Galaxy Tab (presumably the older 7-inch model, since the newer ones aren't out yet) devices. The claim for intellectual property infringement is phrased as follows:
"Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple's technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products."
The lawsuit was filed in the Northern District of California on Friday and seeks injunctions against Samsung, damages (both actual and punitive), and a finding that the infringement was willful. Lest we forget, the rarest outcome in such legal tussles is for an actual judgment to actually be handed down, so the greatest likelihood is that this will just lead to another round of grudging handshakes and licensing going one way with money going the other way, but still, it's fun to see the big dogs barking at each other.

Another aspect to these proceedings that shouldn't be overlooked is that, on the software front, they boil down to iOS versus Android (again). When Apple calls Samsung uninventive in its user interface, it's talking more about Android's perceived imitation of the iPhone's interface than whatever TouchWiz tweaks Samsung has slapped on top. And hey, if you're going to sue Google indirectly, you can't leave a major player like Samsung outside the courtroom, it just wouldn't be fair.

Apple sues Samsung for 'copying' the iPhone and iPad -- Engadget

"The copying is so pervasive, that the Samsung Galaxy products appear to be actual Apple products -- with the same rectangular shape with rounded corners, silver edging, a flat surface face with substantial top and bottom black borders, gently curving edges on the back, and a display of colorful square icons with rounded corners," the complaint said.
Apple sues Samsung, says it copied iPad - Computerworld

So now there shouldn't be mobiles with rectangular shape with rounded edges anymore; and please, icons should no longer be colourful and square in shape. :@
logistopath said:
"The copying is so pervasive, that the Samsung Galaxy products appear to be actual Apple products -- with the same rectangular shape with rounded corners, silver edging, a flat surface face with substantial top and bottom black borders, gently curving edges on the back, and a display of colorful square icons with rounded corners," the complaint said.

Apple is drunk ? LOL, whom they are kidding ?

but I agree on UI part.
Galaxy has surely hit the iphone in the sales!

And now apple is trying to get back what it lost through a lawsuit..

But the basis on which they have filed completely bonkers!
ragzdiablo said:
Galaxy has surely hit the iphone in the sales!
And now apple is trying to get back what it lost through a lawsuit..
But the basis on which they have filed completely bonkers!
This. Agrees word to word.
One important thing to note is that Samsung supplies much of hardware to Apple for its iPhone & iPad. I think the supplies will now take a hit.

Also, the iPhone5 might have the external antennas moved inside. And if the design does not change, it will surely look like a copy of Galaxy S.
pauldmps said:
One important thing to note is that Samsung supplies much of hardware to Apple for its iPhone & iPad. I think the supplies will now take a hit.

Also, the iPhone5 might have the external antennas moved inside. And if the design does not change, it will surely look like a copy of Galaxy S.

Wrong and Wrong....

1) By that logic, Samsung should have stopped supplying parts to Apple once they started releasing their own Android based smartphones. But the competition in consumer market doesn't usually affect B2B relations/deals in those simple terms. Big corporations doesn't play "business" or "game of life" like bunch of 10 year old kids. :P

2) So far all the reports point to that iPhone 5 will not have radically different design than 4, just few minor tweaks. The antenna will remain the same (with probably some tweaks in manufacturing process) but other wise iPhone 5 will look identical to iPhone 4.... just as iPhone 3GS was doppelganger of iPhone 3G. The only major hardware changes in iPhone 4 would be A5 processor and dual-radio chip (and probably the higher spec camera). The major design and hardware changes will be coming in iPhone 6 in 2012.

it was going to come anytime from apple.

see the similarity,

apple ipod touch --- samsung galaxy player

iphone--- galaxy s

ipad--- samsung galaxy tab.

these koreans are copying each and everything of apple.

apple gave them designs of cpu for iphone and ipod touch,

these guys copied that improved upon it.

majority of flash supply on i devices is by samsung.

it will be samsung at loss.

apple i am sure that they must have secured flash supply from some other company .

remember that multi billion dollar supply agreement in which company name was not revealed.

i can bet that its for flash memory supply.

according to anandtech (editor anand), samsung took apple's design and improved upon for its galaxy series.

just see the similarity in product lines.

and considering apple's patent stock,they can sue anybody.

not that they are doing very fair business but still they have some of the best brains working their.
About time Apple. Now we might actually see a good looking Samsung phone, rather than an Apple knock-off :x
pratikb said:

it was going to come anytime from apple.

see the similarity,

apple ipod touch --- samsung galaxy player

iphone--- galaxy s

ipad--- samsung galaxy tab.

these koreans are copying each and everything of apple.

apple gave them designs of cpu for iphone and ipod touch,

these guys copied that improved upon it.

majority of flash supply on i devices is by samsung.

it will be samsung at loss.

apple i am sure that they must have secured flash supply from some other company .

remember that multi billion dollar supply agreement in which company name was not revealed.

i can bet that its for flash memory supply.

according to anandtech (editor anand), samsung took apple's design and improved upon for its galaxy series.

just see the similarity in product lines.

and considering apple's patent stock,they can sue anybody.

not that they are doing very fair business but still they have some of the best brains working their.
At the end of the day, Samsung can make Phones, PMP's and Tablets without Apple. Apple cannot make iPhones, iPods and iPads without Samsung. :P
comp@ddict said:
you obviously havn't seen samsung's phone and touchwiz up close. I was thinking since Galaxy S launch when this will happen.

Well, finally it did.
Yup. You are right
My Sis uses a Star but it does not have TouchWiz.
My Friends Galaxy FIt was having TouchWiz and it really looked like an iOS copy in Interface
iGo said:
Wrong and Wrong....

1) By that logic, Samsung should have stopped supplying parts to Apple once they started releasing their own Android based smartphones. But the competition in consumer market doesn't usually affect B2B relations/deals in those simple terms. Big corporations doesn't play "business" or "game of life" like bunch of 10 year old kids. :P
Seems they might behave like 10 year old kids after all. :P
Apple spent nearly $5.7b on Samsung parts in 2010, faces 'strong' response to its patent suit -- Engadget

Want some numerical context to last night's revelation that Apple is suing Samsung Electronics for copying the iPhone and iPad? How does $5.7 billion sound? That's how much Apple spent on buying up parts from Samsung last year, according to the AFP, which cites the Cupertino company as Samsung's second-biggest client after Sony. Given the breadth of Samsung's component manufacturing, these expenditures can and probably do span everything from flash storage and RAM to processing chips to displays. What's fascinating here -- and illustrative of the psychopathic nature of corporations -- is that in spite of this massive interdependency, Apple's lodged a broadly worded patent assault on a major prong of Samsung's business (smartphones and tablets) and now Samsung's been quoted as saying it has "no choice but [to] respond strongly." A company official has apparently expressed the belief that Apple may be infringing on some of Samsung's wireless patents, which means we can probably look forward to another fat batch of papers being submitted to the Northern District of California court. Lovely.
I don't know about laws regarding hardware and SGS may look like iPhone, but not fully.

But coming to software part, TouchWiz is exactly as that of iOS's UI. And it sucks, not smooth at all. Most of the Samsung owners hate it.

I think Apple is scared about next upcoming phone, competition with Galaxy S2. But Apple fanbois are very loyal :bye22:

PS - don't again turn this thread into your hatred towards Apple. Please create another thread for your amusement :|
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