Apple To Hold iPhone4 Press Conf. (Live Coverage)

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! 0 t A


Headline says it all folks. Obviously the company is going to be getting out in front of this antenna drama (finally). We've been invited and we'll be there, reporting live! It all happens at 10AM PT, Friday the 16th.


Apple: iPhone 4 reception problem is a software issue, fix coming in 'a few weeks'

Apple hiring iPhone antenna engineers for some reason

Source : Engadget

People expecting all sorts of announcements at this meet :P

1. Price Cuts

2. Call Backs

3. Software/Firmware Fix

4. Steve Jobs Dancing on stage ;)
Re: Apple To Hold iPhone4 Press Conf.

i will buy iphone 4 if apple does recall. I will give them my money if they have guts to do that :P
Re: Apple To Hold iPhone4 Press Conf.

! 0 t A said:
People expecting all sorts of announcements at this meet :P

1. Price Cuts

2. Call Backs

3. Software/Firmware Fix

4. Steve Jobs Dancing on stage ;)

5. Steve Jobs announcing the iPhone 4.1 fixing the reception issue. Existing Apple users get a 20USD discount.
Added another one to the list. :P
Re: Apple To Hold iPhone4 Press Conf.

What I expect will happen: Steve goes on about how *marvelous* the antenna design is, defending his original WWDC speech. Then he brings on the flagship models from all other manufacturers: Nexus one, Desire, EVO, Galaxy S, Droid X, and possibly even the N8 prototype that was stolen in Russia. He then carefully demonstrates that all the phones have the same problem, so it isn't a BIG deal. This will of course be recorded in full HD and put on Apple's site for those who still want to complain. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple then decides to file class action lawsuits against all other manufacturers.

Then again, a free bumper does sound less realistic :P
Well, Summary.

1. They cant make enough bumpers. Those who already bought them, get refund

2. So as they cant make enough bumpers, they will give free case, multiple choices, but which is not clear

3. Full refund option available

4. No recall.

5. Apple points fingers as expected :P
I think giving away cases is the best they could have done , I doubt many people would want to get rid of the iPhone 4.
Well, Apple's strength is selling products which are very simple for people to use.

How many people would be out there who complain about the iPhone4 signal - just a few. We accept it or not the iPhone4 is a great device so i don't think there would be many people who wil claim a refund.

And the call drops if true at 1 per 100, dats no big a deal anyway. I have Vodafone 3G here in UK and in my house the signal goes off on any mobile like so many times. The signal sucks so what bad can a iPhone4 do :P

And as we can see, even if there is a technical flaw in the phone, this exists in other phones as well, so maybe we should move on...A solution will come someday...:)

Before you guys start bashing me up, i am not a Apple fanboy.
Fair bumpers for those who already bought it and if there are still unhappy,they get a full refund.After all not many expected apple would spend 1.5 billion recalling a phone!

like expected they came out with stats showing how every phone gets affected by this issue which is true but other phones(with the exception of google nexus one) don't drop calls(if you hold it the way you usually would hold a phone).Still to be fair it isn't that big a deal for most people since not everyone lives in a bad reception area to begin with and if you do drop a call you could always call back.Besides considering how delicate the thing is, one would always use a bumper with it.Personally i prefer not using cases for phones and even with this issue i wouldn't have used one considering how beautiful the phone is.besides i don't make many pohone calls and my calls aren't that important that t I can't call someone back.but the fear of damaging it if dropped is what will force me to be a bumper. lookin forward to the day when cell phone manufacturers will bring out a high-end scratch resistant waterproof phone that doesn't gets easily damaged.
clown_abhi said:
And as we can see, even if there is a technical flaw in the phone, this exists in other phones as well, so maybe we should move on...A solution will come someday...:)

The point is that if there are flaws in iPhone which exists in other phones as well (and I dare say to a relatively worse degree), then Mr.Jobs should cease and desist portraying the iPhone or any of his products as something magical or flawless. They are very far from being perfect and flawless. Hyping is alright, over hyping is not. When you brag about you developed a flawless product, obviously every problem found is going to be viewed under a magnifying glass. When Mr. Jobs bragged about the strength and scratch resistance of the glass that was used in iPhone, it didn't take a week for some one or the other to show that it shatters like glass and scratched as well within the first week and the people showing them were not even Anti-Apple with one being a Fan-boyish tech blog and the other a business entity that makes its money on fixing broken Apple products. As long as Jobs/Apple over hype products, take pot shots at others and point fingers when problems crop up, they are going to be bashed by someone or the other. Its not that complicated for people to not understand and something have to live with.
Now I get to tell told ya so :-P Anyway, no shockers from the conference. Apple did what most people expected, which is good in a way. But rather than point fingers at all phones, they should have just stuck to their own story. Oh well, that is what you can do if you are Apple.
Lord Nemesis said:
The point is that if there are flaws in iPhone which exists in other phones as well (and I dare say to a relatively worse degree), then Mr.Jobs should cease and desist portraying the iPhone or any of his products as something magical or flawless. They are very far from being perfect and flawless. Hyping is alright, over hyping is not. When you brag about you developed a flawless product, obviously every problem found is going to be viewed under a magnifying glass. When Mr. Jobs bragged about the strength and scratch resistance of the glass that was used in iPhone, it didn't take a week for some one or the other to show that it shatters like glass and scratched as well within the first week and the people showing them were not even Anti-Apple with one being a Fan-boyish tech blog and the other a business entity that makes its money on fixing broken Apple products. As long as Jobs/Apple over hype products, take pot shots at others and point fingers when problems crop up, they are going to be bashed by someone or the other. Its not that complicated for people to not understand and something have to live with.
Apple isn't the only company that over-hypes it's products.Every company does that.Vista was supposed to be magical,N97 was a computer not a phone:rofl::rofl: and HD gaming wasn't supposed to arrive unless sony said so. It's just that apple is better at it than some others.the fact is when you are a big company and have a very successful product, every fault or issue is widely one had the same issues but not many reported it----not because everyone is anti-apple or pro-google it's because nexus one wasn't that big a success compared to iphone. Sure hyping a product has its downsides but more often than not , it pays off.So if you are a company that's good at PR like apple is it makes perfect sense to do so even if you hit occasional road bumps!! Not doing so will be stupid.Even with these issues iphones are sellin well.And to be honest a majority of them having these issues don't even own an iphone 4.:D

below is a tiny little eg of PR disaster for nokia. A typical nokia product that was also over-hyped:-

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^^ lesson for that guy, grow nails or use more pressure :P its frakin resistive screen. Learn to use it.

N97 was a disaster. It still sold in substantial numbers because Android was not as popular as it is today.

Now N900 is fantastic piece of hardware and software combination. Still it didnt do too well because of the options people have today.

BTW, that apple UI sample at the start, it is also manipulated :P
couldn't resist but posting.. how to waste ur precious money.. :rofl:

smoky004 said:
Apple isn't the only company that over-hypes it's products.Every company does that.Vista was supposed to be magical,N97 was a computer not a phone:rofl::rofl: and HD gaming wasn't supposed to arrive unless sony said so. It's just that apple is better at it than some others.the fact is when you are a big company and have a very successful product, every fault or issue is widely one had the same issues but not many reported it----not because everyone is anti-apple or pro-google it's because nexus one wasn't that big a success compared to iphone. Sure hyping a product has its downsides but more often than not , it pays off.So if you are a company that's good at PR like apple is it makes perfect sense to do so even if you hit occasional road bumps!! Not doing so will be stupid.Even with these issues iphones are sellin well.And to be honest a majority of them having these issues don't even own an iphone 4.:D

No, every company does not do that. Most other companies hype products, not over hype them and not especially with false advertising/false claims which Apple tends to do a lot. N97 was a disaster even before it released. Been saying that since before the phone released. Nokia 5800 was a great phone and sold quite a lot and still selling now. Nokia tried to sell the same hardware with a keyboard for a substantially higher price and it was very late to the market. As for vista what happened to it in the end? (despite the fact that they are still not has hyped up as Apple products) in the end? That is what will happen to Apple too. If you over hype a product, you are indirectly going to over hype its defects as well. I am not saying over hyping is a bad strategy for a company like Apple whose sole marketing strategy revolves around over hyping decent to mediocre products as flawless products., but it comes at a price that they will get rightly bashed whenever there's a defect. So why do people like you cry over it when apple is bashed. I am simply saying that people should accept that very simple fact.

As for the iPhone 4 antenna issue itself, I think a lot of iPhone users (especially the fanboyish types) seem to be still in denial about the issues. Steve Jobs just announced on stage that even according to their unsubstantiated numbers at least 16.5k users have come to them with complaints. The total number of sales be it 30k, 300k or 3M does not matter when we are talking about such big numbers of complaints and that does not still include the numbers who have the problem and chose not to complain for various reasons and we are still not sure about the real numbers.
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