The point is that if there are flaws in iPhone which exists in other phones as well (and I dare say to a relatively worse degree), then Mr.Jobs should cease and desist portraying the iPhone or any of his products as something magical or flawless. They are very far from being perfect and flawless. Hyping is alright, over hyping is not. When you brag about you developed a flawless product, obviously every problem found is going to be viewed under a magnifying glass. When Mr. Jobs bragged about the strength and scratch resistance of the glass that was used in iPhone, it didn't take a week for some one or the other to show that it shatters like glass and scratched as well within the first week and the people showing them were not even Anti-Apple with one being a Fan-boyish tech blog and the other a business entity that makes its money on fixing broken Apple products. As long as Jobs/Apple over hype products, take pot shots at others and point fingers when problems crop up, they are going to be bashed by someone or the other. Its not that complicated for people to not understand and something have to live with.