Apple to pay patent licensing fees to Nokia

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It's not that Apple wanted to give the money to Nokia. It's more like they are forced to give the money to Nokia. I think for Apple, even giving alms would hurt. :)
comp@ddict said:
This is like giving alms to a beggar for apple, not even a pinch.
Did you even go through the patents which were infringed by apple before posting such useless comments?? let me enlighten you:

Apple has unlawfully used technology relating to GSM, UMTS and WLAN technology (2G, 3G and Wi-Fi connections) on mobile phones, previously developed and patented by Nokia.The patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and are infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007.

So,basically anything which makes an ipod touch into an iphone was being illegally used by apple and now,apple is forced to make a big one shot payment for the past products and then will continue to pay in the future.
The issue was the following: Nokia owns patent related to GSM standard and Apple wasn't a license of those patents.

When the GSM standard was drafted, all participants had to disclose the patents they owned that could apply to GSM and to have a "fair" licensing program for those patents.

It seems that so far, most phone manufacturer have extensive cross-licensing agreements so they can mutually use their various radio patents.

Now enter Apple, with zero existing cross-license agreement.

The rumor said that Nokia wanted such a cross-license agreement so it could then use some Apple patents on multitouch phone. Apple waants above all to differenciate itself from its competitor. To it, having exclusive usage of some patents is very important. In this approach, Apple didn't want any cross-license agreement : it wanted a "fair" license of Nokia GSM related patents. And Nokia was offering those at a very high price, hoping Apple to prefer the "cheaper" cross license.

Now, the wording from Nokia statement suggested that Apple obtained what it wanted : a pure cash settlement. Apple is now a Nokia licensee BUT Nokia does not have access to Apple patents.

So who won ?

P.S. - Not my comment.Copied from the original article's site.
rdst_1 said:
Now, the wording from Nokia statement suggested that Apple obtained what it wanted : a pure cash settlement. Apple is now a Nokia licensee BUT Nokia does not have access to Apple patents.

So who won ?

P.S. - Not my comment.Copied from the original article's site.
This comment was definitely made by an author who is a blind apple fan, the wording from nokia doesnt suggest anything like that, apple didnt want to pay even a single dollar to nokia even though they are using the most essential tech like 2g,3g,wifi without which iphone is just a paperweight.

According to early estimates apple will pay anything between 600-700 million$ to nokia and will continue to pay around 140 million$ every quarter from now which is a considerable amount even for apple.
quixand said:
What's so epic about this? 2nd rate device making company winning a patent lawsuit? f*ck that!!

Yeah right, second rate device making company which until very recently was the most trusted and highest selling mobile phone manufacturer all over the world, before it got a little pinched by Fandroids and iFans.
Did you even go through the patents which were infringed by apple before posting such useless comments?? let me enlighten you:

Dude, I don't need your enlightenment. I read it, in about half a dozen sites you know.

Would you read my post, STOP BEING SO SERIOUS, and laugh?
quixand said:
What's so epic about this? 2nd rate device making company winning a patent lawsuit? f*ck that!!
Second rate company my ass. Motorola and Nokia defined the Mobile Phone technology. No Mobile phone manufacturer can make a Mobile phone without using using at least some of the patented technologies from these companies. Even the flawed external antenna design (using certain part of the phone body as antenna) that Apple resorted to in the iPhone 4 was one of Nokia's discarded ideas from the late 90's that they didn't bother patenting because its flawed. Even to this day, Nokia makes the best Mobile phones and by that, I mean phones that can be used even at places where most other phones show no signal.

Apple rarely ever bothered about paying licensing fees to anyone. The only way they have acquired IP is either by buying out companies or by stealing.
comp@ddict said:
Dude, I don't need your enlightenment. I read it, in about half a dozen sites you know.

Would you read my post, STOP BEING SO SERIOUS, and laugh?
wow,this is what you come up with after reading half a dozen sites on this topic,may be after reading my post you got the motivation to visit dozens of sites and that useless post of yours still isnt funny from any angle but now that we know: HA HA, HOO HOO,HEE HEE !!
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