Apple to sell a $99 4GB iPhone at Walmart?

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Apple to sell a $99 4GB iPhone at Walmart?

Oh man if it`s true what`s wrong with INDIA why aren`t the prices low in India....

We just got a tip that in addition to the iPhone 3G actually making its way to Walmart, as we exclusively told you, there will be a 4GB model priced at $99 with a 2-year agreement. We’re not putting ...........

For more Info : Apple to sell a $99 4GB iPhone at Walmart? : Boy Genius Report
We arent obligated to pay atleast Rs. 3.5k a month for two years just for phone service thats not even unlimited. They are.
H@cKer said:
yup they are bound to a two year contact,and the contract leeches out the remaining money for the phone.

One can pay full price for an unlocked phone and then use it without a contract with most of the carriers... or sign up with a contract. To break the contract will usually cost about US $200.00.... which can sometimes be worth it. Also you can change your plan within the carrier if there is a better newer plan available... but you end up locking in for another 2 yrs.

More and more people are starting to buy unlocked phones here in the US, so I think things may change a little here in the near future.

Since ATT is the only carrier that has a contracted plan for the iflop, their 3G network has really suffered because they have oversold and saturated their network with too many iflops because of their popularity. People here in SF are really complaining about dropped calls and bad reception which is due to to many calls being shunted around the network without a clear signal. To make it worse ATT has barely added any additional towers to improve the situation whilst T-mobile has now opened up their 3G network and has added more towers than any other carrier in this area.
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