Apps Deals thread

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Is there a good call recorder (both incoming and outgoing) I tried several apps but they only record my voice. Using Pantech Burst. I was able to record calls without any issues on my galaxy 5. Same app doesnt work on this phone.

Try this one:
Automatically records the convos.
Can set the option to save the recorded convos or ask via prompt to save/discard
Stealth mode available
Ability to change the icon to innocuous looking one
+ other customization options as well.
It's got some great features not seen on any other launcher. Also, I really like the developer, he keeps adding new features to his Apps. It is totally worth Rs. 99!
any android app similar to profiles in symbian?
i need to create different profiles like indoor, office, outdoor etc and assign different ringtone and message volume to each profile

also app needs to have a homessreen widget to switch between profiles quickly
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