Mac OS Apps for OS X


Can some one share the knowledge about best available apps and some games for Leopard OS X

Apps can be most often needed like download managers, winrar etc in comparison to windows evironment


Winrar -->

FTP Client --> Transmit

Web Development --> Macromedia Dreamweaver

Photo Editing --> Adobe Photoshop CS3

DVD/CD Burning --> Roxio Toast 9 Titanium

Office Suite --> iLife 2009

GROWL --> Provides system notifications

InsomniaX --> Allows you to close your the MacBook lid without sending the system into standby.Useful if you’re in the middle of a long process (ie, video rendering or a large file download), but don’t want to leave your screen open.

Fan Control --> Allows you to adjust the fan speed at varying temperatures.

Chk out:)
First of all, sorry for reviving an old thread, but here's a must have App list I've compiled for OS X:

-PS3 Media Server
-The Unarchiver
-TinkerTool, extended preferences
-Growl, notifier app, for almost any other app
-Cyberduck, SSH/SFTP client
-SuperDocker, Change the appearance of your Dock, some useful System settings
-LameSecure, to lock your folders with a password
-Cameras, for handling multiple cameras
-DateLine, minimalistic calendar on you OS X desktop
-GeekTool, for the geek in you !
-HandBrake, great video encoding tool

-Tweetie, if you use Twitter regularly
-Toast Titanium
-CandyBar, for changing app icons
-AppZapper, to uninstall apps safely
-iWork '09, coz its way better than Office Mac 2008
-TechTool Pro 5
-World Of Goo, insanely addictive game !
-DivX Pro, to enable DivX in Front Row
-Rowmote, app for iPhone, to control Front Row
-Diablo 2, FTW !
-Pixelmator, excellent Photoshop replacement
-StellarPheonix, data recovery tool
-Silk, to change UI font
-CrossOver, to run some Windows apps
-Visage Login, for tweaking your login screen
-DropZone, extends the drag-and-drop function to a awesomely high level

Firefox Extensions
-DownThemAll, download manager
-Adblock Plus
-Mozilla Weave/Xmarks, syncs your bookmarks to a cloud
-GrApple Delicious, theme to match the Leopard look