Are cartoons for kids? Your opinions.

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Deepa asked in her thread why Saiyan is so into anime and cartoons. Well, as a fellow anime and cartoon fan, I find absolutely nothing wrong in that.

First of all, being a 3d animator, I can assure you that making these "cartoons" is no childs play. Especially for 2d animation (like anime), where they have to painstakingly draw every frame.

Secondly, seeing the amount of voilence shown in many cartoons, (anime), I wouldn't really call them "children's" programmes. On the other hand, many of todays films can't be called mature enough to qualify as grown up material.

In the end, I feel it is simply about watching whatever one enjoys. Be it cartoons, anime, harry potter; or LOTR, Black, or Mississipi Burning.

What do you think?
u r rite, i had mentioned in de thread Deepa itroduced herself. its abt u hvin a nice time, n enjoyin datz it. ppl shd accept othrs de way they r.
Cartoon are for ppl of all ages,it sometimes help them to relax eg:Tom and jerry(get tht mouse:D ) and for some pumped up action DBZ is on the menu,so I would say Hell No!! Cartoons are for everyone and not only for kids,makes me relaxed too or you would be seeing a cranky monkey running arnd the forums.:@ if cartoons were for kids.
Cartoons like Calvin and Hobbes and Dilbert...I don't think kids can appreciate their humor at all, they are meant for grown ups. Even otherwise, if a cartoon makes me laugh, then I guess I'm eligible for it :D
In my opnion too, Cartoons and Anime cant be called childish, it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The fact remains that some of the cartoons/anime contain too much voilence, gore and other stuff which is not suitable for viewing by people of all ages.
But then again, the fact remains that the Anime/Cartoons were made for entertainment which is a must for all people irrespective of their age.

I for one still enjoy watching Tom and Jerry:bleh:
i watch whatever i enjoy it cartoon, movies or anything else doesn't matter much to me. if its childish, so be it. who cares :D
No way!!! I just downloaded 2 whole seasons of Swat Kats :P And my dad recently bought 3 DVDs of T&J.

Cartoon are made primarily for kids but even adults xan enjoy them..
You guyz have told what is cartoon/anime:). Yes i love cartoons/animes more than anything in the world on par with the computer and tech. I dont care about the others who tell animes are childish.. Tell a small child to watch ruroni Kenshin, Inu Yasha, etc.
A child would never understand jack of whats happening in Ghost In The Shell,and the plot twists in Gungrave IMO would most definitely be too much to handle for a little kid :P So much anime is made primarily with the adult in mind(think Vampire Hunter D and Ninja Scroll).But I see no reason why adults won't be able to appreciate Pokemon either! So I think cartoons are for pretty much everyone,and shouldn't be categorised as "Only for kids".
ya even though in the beginning cartoons were primarily meant for kids but when those kids grow up they still stick to watching cartoons. Unlike lots of other things shown in TV cartoons are absolutely funny n nowadays most of the cartoon especially anime are made for adults not for kids.
As hellfire mentioned calvin the comic is a cartoon still not many people can understand the humour behind the language.
I'm also a great fan of anime. Guess there are lots of fans for cartoon and anime in TE :hap2:
cartoons rock..but then the cartoons shouldnt be monotonous..i mean beyblade is kinda like pokemon..cartoons are about creativity and there are cartoons for all age dad still watches tom and jerry with me..:)
I used to love cartoons, but sadly whats shown in TV is horrible animation stupid crap. I pity the kids today who cant watch the Walt disney & warner bros classics.

Anime, never enjoyed them other then force five.

But must I say Shrek series and Ice age series will remain one of my favourite movies all time..
Mods, can't you have a hack that automatically closes thread after a couple of month of non activity?


Mod Edit : What is preferable, one of the members starting another Poll on this or adding to this, i am for the latter ;)
I love animes...well..not CN i like powerpuff girls,Dexters Lab & someother small stuff...

What i dont like - > tom&jerry ,scooby dooooo

What i loved & am still crazy about --> DragonBallZ
^^ Lol.

Honestly, we cant generalize it.

My opinion is that its for Kids. So i voted for it.

And no, all below 15 years are kids :bleh:
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