PC Peripherals Are flipkart prices more than lamington road local prices

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I'm not sure of Lamington road prices but they are a bit on the higher side compared to other websites but I guess you've got to pay for timely delivery and quality.
Definitely more than S.P. road (Bangalore) prices in many categories. Only a few products are worth buying on Flipkart.
They are marginally more. The trick is (as always) to do your homework and track prices of comparable items (if the exact parts are not listed) between the local market and FK. Generally though FK does tend to be on the higher side.. I found it so for mobo's and RAM when i was looking to build my rig back in Oct. Even the processor was a bit more than LR.
many items in flipkart are higher price than my kochi local price. snap deal takes 5 to 10 days to deliver products which I ordered (from delhi to kerala).I ordered two DELL s2240 L and one HDMI cable through seperate orders. on 14 th june one monitor and 15th june the cable. cable reached me 20th and monitor reached me 24th. then I ordered another monitor on 27th and reached me 1st july. very good packing by snapdeal. prices were first monitor at 8454/- and second at 8800/-shipped. same time flipkart offered at 93xx/-. see the difference.
The real question is are the prices on Flipkart more than the price you'd pay to visit Lamington Road.
If you're buying just 1 or 2 items, and you need to spend 500 bucks plus half a day traveling, you've got to ask yourself if you really want to go through the aggravation of traveling and bargaining with the Lamington Road guys.
That said, it's always nice to visit a street filled with the computer hardware...I used to go there for fun in my college days. :)

ps. When ordering from Snapdeal, who's liable to pay octroi/lbt?
Rule of thumb is that local prices are usually at least around 5% cheaper than on FK. That's what I've seen.

Mostly use FK for video games/stuff not available locally.
If you get a good discount coupon, FK can be cheaper. But not always.
It was a different story with letsbuy.com which was competitive atleast with the coupons, which flipkart bought and closed it down.
The real question is are the prices on Flipkart more than the price you'd pay to visit Lamington Road.
If you're buying just 1 or 2 items, and you need to spend 500 bucks plus half a day traveling, you've got to ask yourself if you really want to go through the aggravation of traveling and bargaining with the Lamington Road guys.
That said, it's always nice to visit a street filled with the computer hardware...I used to go there for fun in my college days. :)

ps. When ordering from Snapdeal, who's liable to pay octroi/lbt?

Quite right - Thats the discussion I have had with certain chaps - whether its worth going to lammy to get a router or a single item - when its easier to get it locally and with a 50-100 INR increase in the price tag.

Thats said apart - its best to look online for great deals. And certain items - like a monitor - you would want to test it out before getting it for dead pixels. In which case - Lammy is your best option.
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