PC Peripherals Are Logitech (Trackball) Mouse unreliable or my luck with them is just bad?

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I have to use a Trackball mouse and I used to use Logitech M570 for the same which I ordered using shipping forwarders from US and later on bought an extra as backup. The first one died last year early and the backup M570 started giving me "not holding button click" issue.

Then I spotted that on amazon India I can buy Ergo M575 so I bought one in Oct 2021 and I even bought one more in March 2022 as backup. All this because I absolutely need a trackball mouse and like to keep backup.

Now today, out of blue, the M575 I bought back in Oct 2021 went dead while I was using it. I thought it was battery issue but it just died. I do have a backup M575 which I can use. I will need to RMA this mouse now.

Are trackball logitech mouse unreliable or my luck with them is just terrible. I don't even find any other brand on Indian websites (ones where trackball meets thumb, not fingers). If anyone does, do drop me a link.
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