Monitors are these monitor prices good enuf?

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BenQ - 17inch (9350+VAT
BenQ - 19 12250+

viewsonic 17(9600)
viewsonic wide (9350) - even he doesnt know y these are cheaper than regular!
Viewsonic 19( 12800+)

and suggest one pls!
You should get the model numbers. The Viewsonic one is the VA1912b for sure. Bargain with him on that. It'l be a good buy
they are correct prices

1912w was 12.6 here coz we bought 2 of them

and make sure its a 1912w-3, not plain 1912w (is there a difference?)
Dunno enough about either of the monitors to make a suggestion but I'd seen the vg2021m for sale at the same price as a va1912w... i.e about 2" of screen space in return for lower response(8ms) and contrast ratio(700:1).

I guess if you are a gamer then you might be interested in this option too.
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