Are we under cyber attack by forum noobs and the blind

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No offense :p
For Pune people, does anyone know why the hell do these MSEB guys cut power for 2 mins only so frequently ?
This has been happening for years and no one seems to complain. They must have a secret deal with the electronic goods cartel
Not sure what the situation is now but till an year back, the electricity went off for 5-6 hours every thursday.
Title misleading !
Anyways , some states have a surplus , some states dont ! . No interstate cooperation due to political rivalry , unparalleled corruption and the AAM admi suffers .
For Pune people, does anyone know why the hell do these MSEB guys cut power for 2 mins only so frequently ?
This has been happening for years and no one seems to complain. They must have a secret deal with the electronic goods cartel
QFT! I stay in Baner, Pune and yesterday was ridiculous. Seriously, what were those MSEB guys up to?:mad44:
^Baner > Bane (Grammar 101) :P

so Bane cannot take over Baner
also Batman just about beat Bane => He would lose to Baner :cool2:

It was worse after the 2 min cut (baner, Pune), the voltage was very low for about 2 hours.
The fan was almost dead and the lights were really dim.
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