Ashes Cricket 09[Screenshots Released]

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Spectre said:
are u a modder at those guys do one hell of a job with modding cricket games

Yep i am, I was involved more in Brian lara cricket 07 coz modding for Cricket 2007 was fairly simple. Thus many mods have left Blic07 just coz of different file encryption and difficulties they face in modding. Thus i took up the challenge and as it apperas that the ASHES cricket 09 shares the same code base,thus modding for this wont be difficult for me as it would be for some other modders who would be migrating from cricket 07....
Darthcoder said:
All the bowlers have the same bowling action lol. Nice game :lol:.

Well, how come you say that?? Have you seen the video?? Even Brian lara cricket 07 had almost a dozen different actions compared to Cricket 07 which has ummm how many ummmmm just one bowling action....

Just google it and see the gameplay video of the game. In that there are just two different action but thats coz there were two bowlers bowling a spell... go it...

Moreover, if the game got good gameplay with decent graphics then anything more is just a bonus...
See new screenshots release today by codies ... K.P And Punter look awesome...
P.S: They even got Punter's super hairy arms right in the game:rofl:. So much for the detail:P
well i didnt do anything for 2010 version as i have my hands full with a Legends Patch which i am developing alone... Though i aided them with kits,rosters and Menus in 09 version of the patch
Jason Bourne said:
Yep i am, I was involved more in Brian lara cricket 07 coz modding for Cricket 2007 was fairly simple. Thus many mods have left Blic07 just coz of different file encryption and difficulties they face in modding. Thus i took up the challenge and as it apperas that the ASHES cricket 09 shares the same code base,thus modding for this wont be difficult for me as it would be for some other modders who would be migrating from cricket 07....

Great dude. keep up the good work :hap2:

I always turn to Planetcricket for any cricket game. Its the best
I know that BLC 07 AI was virtually unmoddable and codies did a sh1t job with the AI
Hope you guys can crack the Ashes 09 AI and give us some great options
Great news for the cricket fans. Codemasters are organising a open day for fans at their studio on 22nd june 2009. So those of you who live in uk and Australia, head for your nearest Codemasters studio to play Ashes Cricket 2009 first time before the release date. So we can expect some cool review,videos and press releases in next week. Hopefully a demo would be released tommorow
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