Spectre said:are u a modder at Planetcricket.net...since those guys do one hell of a job with modding cricket games
gizmoholic said:^all people run with two legs in PES/FIFA. Nice game(s).
Darthcoder said:All the bowlers have the same bowling action lol. Nice game :lol:.
Spectre said:are u a modder at Planetcricket.net...since those guys do one hell of a job with modding cricket games
Jason Bourne said:Yep i am, I was involved more in Brian lara cricket 07 coz modding for Cricket 2007 was fairly simple. Thus many mods have left Blic07 just coz of different file encryption and difficulties they face in modding. Thus i took up the challenge and as it apperas that the ASHES cricket 09 shares the same code base,thus modding for this wont be difficult for me as it would be for some other modders who would be migrating from cricket 07....