CPU/Mobo ASRock Introduces XMP 1 3 Revision

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Dark Star

ASRock a leading motherboard manufacturer has now announced support for the new XMP 1.3 module profile. Compared with previous XMP 1.2 version, XMP 1.3 can provide more precise DRAM timing settings! Simply load XMP 1.3 profile in the BIOS to explore the maximum speed of your DDR3 memory! For unbelievably powerful overclocking without having to adjust the settings in BIOS manually, the rig builder should look no longer than the XMP 1.3 support!


ASRock claims of around 20% performance increase over the older XMP 1.2 module profile. Users using the older XMP modules with the new upcoming boards will rather face stabiliti and performance issues. So its advisable for users to buy new kit when spending on the new boards boasting of XMP 1.3 profiles. Even though these modules will be supported in the start of 2012, manufacturers like ASRock has already jumped onto the high performance XMP 1.3 bandwagon, providing users future upgradibility options.


Source : ASRock
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