hey guys im a humble assasin who follows rules but my game crashes only while loading the jerusilem city map
is there an update or bug fix?
using vista
lord_shrex said:
hey guys im a humble assasin who follows rules but my game crashes only while loading the jerusilem city map
is there an update or bug fix?
using vista
whatsinaname said:You must have the leaked version of the game. It doesn't work past Jerusalem.
The original version doesn't have the problem.
Unfortunately the legit version still isn't out yet.lord_shrex said:is the legit version available at stores in india
p: i prmise to buy this bugger well worth its price (wt ever it will be)
The biggest & the most irritating factor was the screen being 16:9.
Hey Hey.That's the one I need.Alas I have removed the *nuked* copy from my HDD completely.I'll try the hack next time may be.Hope it works properly.Those black bars really got me frustrated.Nitari said:here is a hack for this problem (only works in dx9 )