Assassin's Creed 2 frame rate issues


I've got a C2D E6300 with 3gb DDR2 800mhz ram and recently i got ATI HD5770 card.
I have a lot of frame - rate issues playing game at 1680x1050 all settings maxed with even 2x AA. I thought the card was good enough. Is it my processor which is backing down?
I reduced the res, and even the animations aren't completely fluid....
Anything else i can do here? I dont want to reduce the graphics (textures/shadows/etc) coz i believe i should get my money's worth on the graphics card....
I've no issues playing other games like Bad Company2 at highest settings....
Any solutions?
What is the Catalyst driver version being used? Try the latest 10.4WHQL from ATI. USe the same utility to uninstall the previous drivers.
i m playing with a quad core and a 4850 and im getting decent frame rates at full Hd and full settings and AA set to 2X

the frame rates do fall wen u in crowded scenes otherwise it stays above 40 most of the tym
Does AC2 use processor to a large extent? If that's the case, i'll overclock mine and then play the game.

Will getback if i still see issues....
Got most of my freeze/crash outside the villa near the statues , happened a couple of times.

Turned off vsync and it was good to go.

Playing comfortably at 1440x900
well i turned vsync off (didn't remember earlier that it was on), got 10.4 ATI drivers, overclocked my cpu a little and things are fluid again at max settings
playing 1680x1050, 2x aa and everything else maxed...
the game is really beautiful!
Glad to hear that! :)

Enjoy the game! It sure is much better than its predecessor.

PS: Just in case you failed to notice, we have a full fledged thread (in fact 2 of them!) for the game and the rant against the DRM! :p

My vacations have just started and I am gonna try some of the awesome games that Ive missed in last 6-8 or wait was it 10 months :| Yeah my HD4850 has been idle since ages :(

Some one please suggest me some games. Already on the list - COD:MW2,Assasin's Creed 2 .
Battle field bad company 2, just cause 2 , gta episodes from liberty city, metro 2033,dirt 2 ,splinter cell conviction,batman,mass effect 2
rPOk said:
I've got a C2D E6300 with 3gb DDR2 800mhz ram and recently i got ATI HD5770 card.
I have a lot of frame - rate issues playing game at 1680x1050 all settings maxed with even 2x AA. I thought the card was good enough. Is it my processor which is backing down?
I reduced the res, and even the animations aren't completely fluid....
Anything else i can do here? I dont want to reduce the graphics (textures/shadows/etc) coz i believe i should get my money's worth on the graphics card....
I've no issues playing other games like Bad Company2 at highest settings....
Any solutions?

The Game ACII at max gives just about 46fps with HD5850... I saw it in a review of some unknown site,, which is among very few who review GPUs on AC II too!!!.... so just lower the settings, keep AA off, and shadows play a big part too