Laptops ASUS A555LA Laptop - WiFi Connection Issue


Hi Friends,

Two days before I bought ASUS A555L (i3) Laptop

Since that time I'm trying to connect with Wifi (Laptop able to display all Available WiFi connections), but with my connection I always found Limited Access and hence no connection, what to do, any help please?

Latest Driver Updated /Windows10 Pro. Operating System and No Firewall/Antivirus Installed.

Laptop connect Net via Broadband (RJ45 Cable) without any issue.

I can connect WiFi and access Net via my Mobile handset but not able it via laptop :(

Please help,

Thanks :)
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Hi @vyral_143,

While doing HotSpot, (via Airtel G4 Sim with Sansung On5 Mobile) on my laptop it shows AndroidAP Limited

What it means?

Uninstall drivers and reinstall.


Did as per your suggestion, but no use :([DOUBLEPOST=1467729015][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi @vyral_143, @6pack, @ReVo_007

After doing Windows Self Diagnosing test (for WiFi connection troubleshoot) as per your instructions, It shows following:-

1] Wireless Capability is turned off (Not Fixed)
2] "Wi-Fi" doesn't have a valid IP configuration (Not Fixed)

Please suggest how to fix it,


I am really very fade up to try lots of settings all available online but NONE WORKS :(

If by 2-3 days I didn't find any solution, than I might raise issue with online seller and ask them to take back.... :(

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Hi @vyral_143,

While doing HotSpot, (via Airtel G4 Sim with Sansung On5 Mobile) on my laptop it shows AndroidAP Limited

What it means?



Did as per your suggestion, but no use :([DOUBLEPOST=1467729015][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi @vyral_143, @6pack, @ReVo_007

After doing Windows Self Diagnosing test (for WiFi connection troubleshoot) as per your instructions, It shows following:-

1] Wireless Capability is turned off (Not Fixed)
2] "Wi-Fi" doesn't have a valid IP configuration (Not Fixed)

Please suggest how to fix it,


I am really very fade up to try lots of settings all available online but NONE WORKS :(

If by 2-3 days I didn't find any solution, than I might raise issue with online seller and ask them to take back.... :(


Check your IP & DNS (most probly) and proxy settings. Also check with another laptop/device, whether it can connect to the mobile without any issue.
I think when mobile connect easily, than ip issue is not the reason, isn't it?

I arrange other laptop with win7, but don't understand how to check it (it's old and not able to get wifi option)?

Any more help please?
I think when mobile connect easily, than ip issue is not the reason, isn't it?

I arrange other laptop with win7, but don't understand how to check it (it's old and not able to get wifi option)?

Any more help please?
What band is your router providing the WiFi and what band is your phone providing the WiFi , cause I saw something similar , my friend has a Samsung S3 , which shows the WiFi but refuses to connect mainly and even if it connects it doesn't work . One day , I tried connecting the phone to 5ghz wifi , and it worked , which led us to believe that the particular antenna associated with 2.4ghz band was bad. Another explanation can a different country configuration of the WiFi which maybe hiding the SSID .
What band is your router providing the WiFi and what band is your phone providing the WiFi , cause I saw something similar , my friend has a Samsung S3 , which shows the WiFi but refuses to connect mainly and even if it connects it doesn't work . One day , I tried connecting the phone to 5ghz wifi , and it worked , which led us to believe that the particular antenna associated with 2.4ghz band was bad. Another explanation can a different country configuration of the WiFi which maybe hiding the SSID .

Hi ReVo_007,

I'm not the expert of all technical terms, even I start using wifi since last 1 month (with Mobile Handset).

Can you please suggest how to change WiFi Band with my USB WiFi Devise?

Also suggest me how to check at what band my handset accessing the Wifi.

I'm using MTNL Broadband.

Using Tiny - USB WiFi Dongle - image as below

[DOUBLEPOST=1467872233][/DOUBLEPOST]Bump for Help....
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A few questions:
1 - how are you connecting your laptop to the mtnl router? (lan or wifi or android as access point)
2 - why are you using external usb wifi device when your laptop has built in wifi? two wifi devices will clash and prone to errors.
3 - have you put the wifi password into the computer so that it connects?

1] Wireless Capability is turned off (Not Fixed)
2] "Wi-Fi" doesn't have a valid IP configuration (Not Fixed)

There must be a fix button in this dialog box. It will turn on the built in wifi automatically. With wifi on, the second problem will go away once it gets its dhcp address (provided you have put in the correct wifi password).

Ideally you should connect your laptop to your mtnl modem directly (wired or wirelessly) without phone or anything else in between.
A few questions:
1 - how are you connecting your laptop to the mtnl router? (lan or wifi or android as access point)
2 - why are you using external usb wifi device when your laptop has built in wifi? two wifi devices will clash and prone to errors.
3 - have you put the wifi password into the computer so that it connects?

There must be a fix button in this dialog box. It will turn on the built in wifi automatically. With wifi on, the second problem will go away once it gets its dhcp address (provided you have put in the correct wifi password).

Ideally you should connect your laptop to your mtnl modem directly (wired or wirelessly) without phone or anything else in between.

Hi ,

  • I'm using MTNL Broad Band Service for my Desktop.
  • To access internet via Mobile I bought USB Wifi Dongle (click here for EXACT Model).
  • I can access Internet from Mobile using that USB WiFi Receiver/Adapter.
  • I have 2 year old ZTE 3G Mobile & my Brother have Samsung on5 - 4G, we both didn't find any issue to connect net from Mobile.
  • I have password for WiFi Connection and put it correctly, whenever Asus laptop WiFi Connection prompt for Password.
  • I use WiFi Dongle (inserted in Desktop System) to access Internet from Laptop.

Now, About ASUS 555LA laptop:-
  1. With same WiFi Dongle (it's inserted with Desktop Cabinet usb port where I have Broadband Connection), I'm not able to connect Internet via Asus laptop.
  2. Asus Laptop able to Recognized my WiFi Connection but not able to surf internet as it always shows NO INTERNET.
  3. I try to connect Net via HotSpot from Samsung On5, here also ASUS laptop Recognized Samsung On5 Mobile for HotSpot Connection but Fails to Connect.
  4. I even try to send few files via Bluetooth from Mobile to Laptop and Vice Versa but it also Failed.
  5. When I try to connect WiFi from Laptop (Mobile WiFi is switched off)
  6. On Suggestion from ReVo_007, I insert WiFi Dongle in Laptop and try to connect it via Mobile HotSpot and yes, I can surf internet from Laptop.
  7. Do it means WiFi Card/Chip/Hardware in Asus Laptop is Faulty?
Please suggest me, I'm confused...

Thank you for your inputs
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Looks like your doing thing the long complicated way.
Is your MTNL device a wireless modem+router or only a modem? Does it have two sticks (antennae) pointing out of it like in this device?

Have you turned on the wifi chip in your laptop? Fn+F2 turns it on/off i think.
Looks like your doing thing the long complicated way.
Is your MTNL device a wireless modem+router or only a modem? Does it have two sticks (antennae) pointing out of it like in this device?

Have you turned on the wifi chip in your laptop? Fn+F2 turns it on/off i think.
Hmmm..may be.. let it make simple...

I have (ADSL+2 Dlink- 502T Modem Router - NON WiFi)

I bought this WiFi Router.

Insert it in my Desktop cabinet USB Port to make my system WiFi enable.

No I didn't press any Fn+F2 key?

When I try to access WiFi from Laptop, it Connects (but with No Internet) and thus no access from Laptop.

Suggest more... I really don't wish to return it to seller back as I like this laptop.

This is not Router. It is just receiver.

I wonder how are you able to use WiFi on cellphones.

Oh, god.... is this not a correct way to connect WiFi from laptop.

Do I need to buy Modem+Router as pointed our by @6pack (the one with 2 antenna)

I'm not only using WiFi from Mobile using this Receiver since last 3 months but also Update 250 mb Samsung On5 Mobile Software Update just 10-12 days back.

Please suggest, if I requires to buy WiFi Router to access Net from Laptop?

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I had that same modem from Dlink.
That wifi usb thing is not a router, its only a receiver. It is just to make your desktop able to connect via wifi to something else like a phone or a real router. All your wifi device does is share the internet it gets from the lan connected to your pc. The main problem could be that device and the number of connections it can handle. Maybe it can only connect to one device at a time. Maybe its set to lowest speed band like b or g. Maybe its actual coverage area is very small like few feet (it does not have antenna) so it cannot transmit properly.

I used to connect this modem to a linksys router. Modem lan out -> wifi router wan port. From router you can connect your pc via cable to one of the four ports. Phone, laptop connect through wifi directly to router. No need to switch on the pc to connect to the net.
Get the wifi router I linked to from Amazon. They keep it on sale for ~800-850 almost always. This will remove most of the problems you're facing.
I don't think anythings wrong with your laptop. Just the method you're using to connect to the net is complicated.

If you have 3G/4G in your mobile you can switch on the internet in your phone and enable wireless AP to share your phones internet. Connect your laptop to your phone AP without using the usb dongle or anything. If you can connect to the phone properly, then there is no problem with the wifi in the laptop..
If you have 3G/4G in your mobile you can switch on the internet in your phone and enable wireless AP to share your phones internet. Connect your laptop to your phone AP without using the usb dongle or anything. If you can connect to the phone properly, then there is no problem with the wifi in the laptop..

I had asked @Emperor to check same. However, it did not work. Now I am wondering if he tried connecting to hotspot, while that USB dongle was still connected to laptop; 'cause that might conflict.
I had asked @Emperor to check same. However, it did not work. Now I am wondering if he tried connecting to hotspot, while that USB dongle was still connected to laptop; 'cause that might conflict.

vyral_143, I tried as per your suggestion (HotSpot from Mobile but didn't inserted WiFi receiver in Laptop) but unable to connect net from Laptop.

Latter, on ReVo_007 advice I insert WiFi Receiver into laptop and using HotSpot from Samsung mobile I successful connect Internet and able to surf.
vyral_143, I tried as per your suggestion (HotSpot from Mobile but didn't inserted WiFi receiver in Laptop) but unable to connect net from Laptop.

Latter, on ReVo_007 advice I insert WiFi Receiver into laptop and than I can connect Laptop (using HotSpot from Samsung mobile) with Internet Successfully.

So, next I wonder if you have switched on WiFi of laptop ?