Asus Nexus 7 Camera Picture Leaked On Picasa
The Nexus tablet which will be made by Asus has shown up in form of picture uploaded to Picasa . These photograph of ceiling tiles were uploaded on June 7th and June 13th . The images measure 1.3MP or 1280x960 but it could have been scaled down so cannot be taken as actual camera performance of the device .
The pictures are linked to Google+ account of Somit Bh who has many people affiliated to Google in his circles . The location data points to Google's building 44 . The EXIF data shows that the camera is made by Asus . However the EXIF data could be changed .
Just two years ago, the Nexus S was revealed in the exact same way. The official announcement of the tablet is expected at Google IO event at the end of this month .
The Nexus tablet which will be made by Asus has shown up in form of picture uploaded to Picasa . These photograph of ceiling tiles were uploaded on June 7th and June 13th . The images measure 1.3MP or 1280x960 but it could have been scaled down so cannot be taken as actual camera performance of the device .
The pictures are linked to Google+ account of Somit Bh who has many people affiliated to Google in his circles . The location data points to Google's building 44 . The EXIF data shows that the camera is made by Asus . However the EXIF data could be changed .
Just two years ago, the Nexus S was revealed in the exact same way. The official announcement of the tablet is expected at Google IO event at the end of this month .