Asus p5k-vm

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You could use it on the PCI-Ex 16x slot available.

More importantly, what type of speakers are you deciding to use this audio card with and what source of music?
No can't do, then. There's no PCI-Ex 1x slot on the board to accommodate the card. Besides your exisiting GPU must be blocking the remaining PCI slots as well.
Please guys


I have use the Blue Slot for card..I think it has space for another i mean sound card.. Please advise

I have hopes on u guys please

^I told you already. You do not have a choice here due to the mATX board featuring no PCi-Ex 1x slot. Usually there's a slot atop the 16x slot which could accommodate these cards. Else you have the only option to stick to PCI cards which *may* fit in one of the slots, provided your graphics card cooler is not blocking those ports.

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I change the image to tinypic now.. thanks fr the tip on that..

I spoke to Asus now and they told DX would support on the 4x slot without problem now i am back to square one.

Oh somehow I missed out that tiny black 4x slot on the board. Yes your card should be supported on that slot provided your graphics card doesn't block it.
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