FS: Others Asus Thunderbolt Sound Card with Killer Network Lan Card....

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Feedback: +18 / =0 / -1
For Sale !
  • Fixed Price: Rs 1,200/-
  • Source and Time of Purchase: From Datamation 2011
  • Reason for Sale: Not Needed(upgraded to Asus Pheobus)
  • RMA/Servicing history: Never serviced/RMA'd
  • Product Condition: 9/10
  • Purchase Invoice Available: No..
  • Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No (Got it with Asus Crosshair V formula by paying $100 extra)
  • Accessories Included: Only the Card
  • Product Location: Guwahati
  • Preferred Courier: Buyer preferred.
  • Shipping Charges: At Actual
  • Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer. (You can check my itrader feedback here)
Here are the Reviews of this

Tech Powerup

Computer Shopper
Ascend Tech

Here are the Pics below:-

Asus Thunderbolt Sound Card with Killer Network Lan Card.(Click below in Spoiler)


Will it work with my Crosshair IV Formula?
How much of an improvement is the audio & LAN over the onboard of CIVF?
PM me your no.
Will it work with my Crosshair IV Formula?
How much of an improvement is the audio & LAN over the onboard of CIVF?
PM me your no.
Its huge as it uses Big foot killer lan which is one of the fastest and combined with Asus Xonar Sound card and its a add on for premier Asus Mobo's as you can buy it by paying $100 extra with Asus Crosshair V Formula.....As i am using Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z with ROG Xonar Phoebus so i am selling it otherwise i would not have sold as Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z has onboard Supreme FX 3 and i bought ROG Xonar Phoebus recently so i am selling it so if you want to know more check here Tech Powerup, VR-Zone, Computer Shopper, Ascend Tech and you will know how powerful it is....And if you want lmk as there are a couple of interested members infact 3 member interested so whoever pays first gets it....
Received....Sorry for the late reply!!
Sir please leave feedback so that i can close the thread.....Will do the same as soon as i am on my PC
Sir Please leave a feedback so that i can close the thread....

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S5 using Tapatalk HD
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