CPU/Mobo Athlon 64 X2 (AM2) Vs Opteron Dual Core Vs Intel Core 2 Duo for Gaming

Lord Nemesis

Which Processor would be the best for a gaming Machine.

AM2 is already out and seems to be quite disappointing...:huh:
Hows Dual Core Opeterons for gaming. Whats thier prices like.
Core2 Duo seems to be quite promising. What would be the most likely pricing for these when they release.

Looking at the benchmarks of the AM2 based Athlons, it seems that Intel Conroe are more promising( i.e if they are priced right).

I plan to upgrade my machine in 2~3 months time. Will assemble a machine for my sis with components from my current setup and then upgrade to a new processor/mobo and graphics card.

Just Waiting for the DX10 cards to come out...:eek:hyeah:
as of now it looks that core 2 duo ( conroe ) is going to win the race.

pricing was given in some earlier threads check out.
but if u r gonna upgrade to a DX 10 card u have to wait a bit longer than 2 to 3 months.
i guess i have dx 10 card will only work with vista.......which also will take time to settle...so in short no sense of thinking abt dx 10 card now....right????
No lack of opinions on when DX10 cards come out:huh: . But as far as the processor discussion is concerned....Core 2 Duo all the way:hap2: :D :eek:hyeah: Go to THG and check out the benchmark links given in a thread on the forums. The conroe eats up the AM2 :clap: :clap: and these are just pre-production model benchmarks that we are seeing....the production models are revised ones and considering that INTEL...whenever it changes steppings...always give a performance increase of 5-10%...:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah:
Its has now been proved everywhere that conroe will be the worlds fastest CPU, when it hit the markets. You have to except this,but i have a strange feeling AMD is planning something behind the curtain, cant u see AMD has been quite for quite(except just the socket change) a long time after the first conroe benchies hit the net. I cant wait to see wht AMD comes with.
seems like intel is back to the gaming with a bang! amd ruled with their FX lineup, but losing the dual core battle. unless amd has something up their sleeve, its core duo 2 all the way!
shado_chazzer_killer said:
Its has now been proved everywhere that conroe will be the worlds fastest CPU, when it hit the markets. You have to except this,but i have a strange feeling AMD is planning something behind the curtain, cant u see AMD has been quite for quite(except just the socket change) a long time after the first conroe benchies hit the net. I cant wait to see wht AMD comes with.

Even I too having the feeling that AMD is up to something that they are keeping a secret...;)
I have a gut feeling that AM2 socket change is not the last of AMD's cards. surely they are gonna bring some thing out that would challenge conroe if not kill it. But time is of the essence for AMD for they have to get that some thing out before conroe captures the market fully....

Any way let them compete for the best and we the consumers will be winners..:hap2:
amd never does stuff in hurry....ull soon c something gr8 frm them......

am2 was jus for supporting ddr2 as customers were leavin amd sayin they r not gettin furture proof and all..........and so inorder to share there market share am2 was released........
Theres going to be quite some while b4 they come up with a New MArchitecture to compete with the Conroe.

AMD simply dont have enough funds, compared to Intel.

Well see something special from them with thier 65nm chips though.

Their chips will be even cooler, and ofcourse performance should increase.
Not at all, i think within 2 quarters after conroe launches we will see AMD's answer to it. Do u seriously think they havent been developing that marchitecture all along?
AMD is supposed to release a roadmap to all its processor releases for the next 2 years or so on 1st June:eek:hyeah: . And from what i've heard on the net they're about 6 months behind INTEL in every similar level(will it be similar:huh: :huh: ) processor release so i guess we're not seeing the Athlon 64's succesor till atleast December:((the FX 64 is supposed to be lauched in Dec:D ) And from INTEL's roadmap the quadcore Conroe launches in January:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah: ...K8L is nowhere in sight..:( God help AMD if they can't come up with something that's gonna be faster then the Conroe already is....:S :S I doubt they can go faster then the conroe....well the difference won't be as high as the P4 EE and FX difference atleast....and with Intel's price cuts.........uhhh i'm getting muddled up myself now:ashamed: :S :S :huh: :huh: :S :S ....All i can say is........if AMD 's gonna survive Intel's aggressiveness then they need a miracle or a VERY fast processor :huh: with them being 6 months behind Intel.
rahulhbk said:
AMD is supposed to release a roadmap to all its processor releases for the next 2 years or so on 1st June:eek:hyeah: . And from what i've heard on the net they're about 6 months behind INTEL in every similar level(will it be similar:huh: :huh: ) processor release so i guess we're not seeing the Athlon 64's succesor till atleast December:((the FX 64 is supposed to be lauched in Dec:D ) And from INTEL's roadmap the quadcore Conroe launches in January:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah: ...K8L is nowhere in sight..:( God help AMD if they can't come up with something that's gonna be faster then the Conroe already is....:S :S I doubt they can go faster then the conroe....well the difference won't be as high as the P4 EE and FX difference atleast....and with Intel's price cuts.........uhhh i'm getting muddled up myself now:ashamed: :S :S :huh: :huh: :S :S ....All i can say is........if AMD 's gonna survive Intel's aggressiveness then they need a miracle or a VERY fast processor :huh: with them being 6 months behind Intel.
Just as AMD made a come back 2yrs ago with there A64 n made Intel to think for real. I think AMD must have already started working on there new MPs. They will again comeup with something very suddenly just like Conroe. It will be very top secret for now.
AMD do have enough guts to fight back. Just wait n watch.
now i m thinking...amd will bypass and come with quadcore first..as they did with 1ghz proccy,,or 64bit proccy..mayb they come out with 128bit procy......

note::i have no idea abt the market.......but i really lik amd proccy they r damn faster than intel...my intel p4 still hangs with 1gbram and 6600gt...
Well i'm not doubting AMD's processor's...the point is that 6 months is a LONG LONG TIME....now say MR X a hardcore gamer buys a Core 2 EE processor on 1st of Aug...5 months later in Dec AMD comes out with a processor that's lets say even 20%(i'm being highly optimistic here) faster then the Core 2 already is.....what will he think................First of all he's got a gr8 processor...which is not slow by any means.....its fulfills his every current requirement....and i doubt there'll be a heavy load on a Core2 even after Vista is launched....not enough to make someone buy a new processor....
Next thing is that he's got an INTEL roadmap which says that there's gonna be an even better processor launching next month....what will he do?? Will he buy the AMD one?? and get a new MOBO to go with it?? or will he wait another month....get the quadcore or wutever.....maybe even without needing to change his MOBO and just flashing his bios....Wut will you do?? I will wait one month.......so'll most people except maybe those who've got a $1200 to spend on upgrades every month.....

AMD doesn't have to compete against processors' that its gonna lauch with....it'll have to compete against those already sold....that's not gonna be easy in my opinion...
the only thing which intel can do is to make sure that the upcoming i965 chipset and the existing i975 chipset supports its quadcore kentsfield processor.that would be an icing on the cake.
Atleast i will be benifited in a great way. As the current gen Yonah chips can be swapped to a new Merom chip. wooooo

[Edit] LOL Rahul u really seem a dieheart Intel Fanboy. :p
rahulhbk said:
Well i'm not doubting AMD's processor's...the point is that 6 months is a LONG LONG TIME....now say MR X a hardcore gamer buys a Core 2 EE processor on 1st of Aug...5 months later in Dec AMD comes out with a processor that's lets say even 20%(i'm being highly optimistic here) faster then the Core 2 already is.....what will he think................First of all he's got a gr8 processor...which is not slow by any means.....its fulfills his every current requirement....and i doubt there'll be a heavy load on a Core2 even after Vista is launched....not enough to make someone buy a new processor....
Next thing is that he's got an INTEL roadmap which says that there's gonna be an even better processor launching next month....what will he do?? Will he buy the AMD one?? and get a new MOBO to go with it?? or will he wait another month....get the quadcore or wutever.....maybe even without needing to change his MOBO and just flashing his bios....Wut will you do?? I will wait one month.......so'll most people except maybe those who've got a $1200 to spend on upgrades every month.....

AMD doesn't have to compete against processors' that its gonna lauch with....it'll have to compete against those already sold....that's not gonna be easy in my opinion...
NO, i dont expect ppl to flock arnd buying Intel conroe as soon as it launches, coz most ppl today have satisfactory AMD processors in the form of 3800+ and above, which easily meet today's requirements. as for Vista, it isnt gonna come out till Jan 07, so there's no hurry to really upgrade ur new processor. Hence, i expect all the ppl with AMD 3 series and above and with P4EE to wait till Jan when Intel is planning to launch the quadcore proc. Thus, AMD has enough time till january to produce what it can.....even if they produce a model on paper, it'll persuade most ppl to wait a few months more b4 AMD launches Core duo's competitor :hap2:
hunt3r said:
I think DX10 cards will come out this year, but DX10 itself will not until Vista obviously.
I think that's a problem don't you?? The cards like coming out before the final DX 10 and its native OS vista is released.. duh..:p
The direct X 10 cards could make a december debut, more likely seems Jan next year...
As the thread said, yeah the C2D aka conroe seems to whoop a##, now if only the 2.4 gig version comes cheap, and those bloomin 975X boards would price slash ;)