CPU/Mobo ATHLON XP 2400+ & ASUS A7N8X MoBo Problem

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My config consist of ASUS A7N8X DELUXE mobo, ATHLON XP 2400+ CPU, 512MB DDR RAM. Of late, my PC is shutting down and restarting on its own. The CPU External Frequency (MHz) is set at 133MHz and the CPU Frequency Multiple Setting is set at Auto in the Bios. Is the CPU External Frequency to be set at 100MHz to prevent overheating of the CPU, which is suspected to be the cause of the problem ? Or will a new layer of thermal paste will do the trick ?
are you sure that it is restarting coz of the heating problem only. if yes then may we also know the temperatures that it is scaling.
That athlon is supposed to run at 133 why should you change it to 100.
I dont think its a PSU problem.... If undeclocking the chip is making it work then it is most probably an overheating problem... I too have an 2400 XP and it heats up a lot... Try using the PC with side panel open or try installing extra fans... Applying thermal paste would help, not that much though... If you can get a better HSF combo... That would help for sure...
It is mostly likely a psu problem.Too had this when a while when I changed my video card.
The solution to ur problem lies in my signature (hint).LOL.
Are u by any chance the same guy who ordered a Dlink modem from me a while back?
I have an A7N8X and it has never shutdown due to temprature.Why,coz it uses the cpu socket temp for determining the temperature levels not the diode reading.ALSO in case of thermal problem i.e overheating,a shutdown is initiated not a restart i.e. ur sytem will simply switch off.On the other hand a PSU problem will cause restarts.
Underclocking a chip also lowers current and therefore may stop the restarts bcoz the psu is again within specs.However such a situation won't last for long and the moment u add one more device to ur system,these restarts will reappear.
undertaker said:
It is mostly likely a psu problem.Too had this when a while when I changed my video card.

The solution to ur problem lies in my signature (hint).LOL.

Are u by any chance the same guy who ordered a Dlink modem from me a while back?

I have an A7N8X and it has never shutdown due to temprature.Why,coz it uses the cpu socket temp for determining the temperature levels not the diode reading.ALSO in case of thermal problem i.e overheating,a shutdown is initiated not a restart i.e. ur sytem will simply switch off.On the other hand a PSU problem will cause restarts.

Mate his comp was running fine earlier... It is only now that he is having problems... I would blame it on summers and not on the PSU....
Well my pals Xp 2000+ had the same prob, turned out his mobo had conked off. Its very difficult to narrow such causes, though personally I too feel its a PSU prob.
Switch said:
Mate his comp was running fine earlier... It is only now that he is having problems... I would blame it on summers and not on the PSU....
Overheating may cause many things but usually not restarts.The A7N8X either hangs or shuts down.Trust me on this,I have been living with this board for well over an year now.
Once I forgot to attach the fan header,and the system shut down after 5 minutes.
Yes,it is could be a heat problem but most likely that too in his psu.Many psus here have little ventilation and slow fans causing them to overheat and fail.
undertaker said:
Overheating may cause many things but usually not restarts.The A7N8X either hangs or shuts down.Trust me on this,I have been living with this board for well over an year now.

Once I forgot to attach the fan header,and the system shut down after 5 minutes.

Yes,it is could be a heat problem but most likely that too in his psu.Many psus here have little ventilation and slow fans causing them to overheat and fail.


when the CPU fan on my 2500+ fell off, it ovrheated and just hanged. restarted only when voltages went helter-skelter.....

if i dont attach the fan header...it'll shout CPU fan failed on boot :P

PS : I had an A7N8X Dlx.....
Only Dlx has the "voice reporter".The A7N8X-X/A7N8X don't.
The best thing about these boards is "parameter recall".Never once have I had to reset the bios using the jumper.Just turn off the pc if u oc too high and it wil boot with the default 100mhz bus the next time.
I think PSU problem can be verified to some extent by temporarily reducing the number of attached devices drawing power from it, like keeping a single RAM stick, removing extra hard drives, removing PCI cards like soundcard, LAN card etc.
Will change the PSU and see. For the last six months, the PSU fan had been creating a huge racket, which could be heard in the next room. Thanks for your support, guys.
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