Graphic Cards ATI 4870 X2 is faster than GTX 295 & GTX 285

sato1986 said:
Another example of AMD/ATi paying benchmarkers/reviewers in millions to compete against gtx295 :|

wth, :mad: , stupid remarks, have you even checked the link??? Its a press release from AMD, ofcourse in many situation 4870x2 is faster, and AMD will only highlight the benchmarks in which they are better.
I don't know that any FPS differences between the two are perceptible in normal gameplay.

IQ, on the other hand, is a very noticeable fact.

Moving from a very low-end combo of two 9600GT cards to the 4870X2, I can now run 80+ fps with all eye-candy on at full 2560x1600 resolution in GRiD (to take one game in the chart). I did not see the game get any smoother than the ~40fps I was getting earlier, but for sure the eye candy was a refreshing change.

Without FRAPS, I would wonder how many could actually see the differences between 60fps and 600fps, and you don't need to drop megabucks on a top-of-the-line card to get 60fps at 1680x on most any game out there. As a matter of fact, if you don't have a 1920x or 2560x monitor, it wouldn't make sense to get the top-end cards anyway, so the discussion is academic.

Benchmarks, after a point, are academic.
^^IQ diff from a 9600 to a 4870 will obviously be very diff. But, as u said, for high end cards from both ATi and nVidia, discussion is mostly academic. Relevant only for someone with the moolah and the desire to own the best there is. Or fanbois.
Those slides are usually meant to influence OEMs and channel partners to push their products. though, there is some truth in benchs at those settings..:)
thebanik said:
wth, :mad: , stupid remarks, have you even checked the link??? Its a press release from AMD, ofcourse in many situation 4870x2 is faster, and AMD will only highlight the benchmarks in which they are better.


Even the Shown Benchmarks are FAKE

Check the link above^ if u want to cnfirm that.