Graphic Cards ATI All In Wonder X800 XT : Pics & Benchmarks


Caffeine Addict
Staff member
Super Mod
The Box

The Contents

The Card

ATI Tuner

Theatre 200 Chip

Rear Backplate

With DVI, Analog and ATI I/O Socket

I/O Connector

Plugs into the I/O socket, comes with video in, video out, tv and fm inputs

Video In/Out Dongle

Shaped like dominoes, can be stacked on top of each other as shown in pic

Splitter and FM Antenna

Remote Wonder II and USB Receiver

Cooling - The Fan

The Stock cooler is pretty decent. Comes with a copper base and a decent sized fan thats temperature controlled. Runs at full speed when you first turn on the computer and then throttles down to a level thats inaudible. Even at load it runs at a medium speed that cant be heard unless you leave the side panel open and even then its barely loud :)

The Fins and Air Vents

Cooling Contd

The Bad part,it isnt very clear in the pic but the cooler doesnt come into contact with the ram leaving a tiny air gap which will trap in the hot air. definitely not good especially for someone wanting to oc ;)


256mb of Samsung 1.6ns Chips, capable of a theoretical 600Mhz odd


Powered by a Floppy connector rather than a molex as seen on most cards these days

Temperature Monitoring

Most XT cards by ATI come with a overclocking utility and temperature monitoring which was sadly lacking since ATI decided to omit it from their AIW series of cards. However the latest version of ATI Tool does show the temps for the card.

Idle : around 40°C
Load: around 70-75°C

Pretty Decent on stock cooling

Tentative Benchmarks

Current Rig Status:
A64 3000+ @ 2200Mhz
1GB PDP Memory @ 204Mhz
ATI X800 XT (500/500) on Catalyst 4.12

3D Mark 03


3D Mark 05

Doom 3 Time Demo

Settings: High Quality, No AA
Screen : 1024 * 768 (Sorry thats the highest my pathetic LG lets me go :D)

First run got me 77fps, tried a 2nd time got a better score since the level would have been cached


Mild Overclock to 530 core and 525 memory

Bit odd scores , got better results with my system on usual settings at 2.4 gigs with memory 1:1 and catalyt 5.6. Testing something else so couldnt run at those settings. Heres what i got a few days back with the same core 530Mhz and GMem at 525Mhz

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
Try to use Thermal tapes between the h/s and the memory chips, if you do extreme o/c that is. BTW, on the back side of the card does it have individual small h/s over the memory chips or is it a single heat spreader ...
and how is the tuner performance ??
Blade_Runner said:
gr8 work bottle ! you cus have made a separate thread out of it ! ATi AIW X800XT pics and benchmarks ! :)
done ;) will resize a few pics as well as they are too small

deejay said:
Try to use Thermal tapes between the h/s and the memory chips, if you do extreme o/c that is. BTW, on the back side of the card does it have individual small h/s over the memory chips or is it a single heat spreader ...
and how is the tuner performance ??
yeah , plan to change the heatsink and maybe slap on some ram sinks before i do any oc'ing. ran into some unexpected expenses recently so wont be doing it any time soon :(

ps: no ram sinks on the back of the card either.
about the tuner , havent tried it but not sure if it will work since the requirement is NTSC not PAL :( connected my dvd player via composite in and worked alright .. captured about 30 seconds of video and it came to about 7mb .
but I think someone said that all you need is a BIOS flash to make PAL work..... It was in the other thread....

YEP.... It was funky

FunkyMonkey said:
Bios Flash should do the trick. Rage theator chip supports both NTSC and PAL.

Try that if you want. or maybe do it later. you don't want to end up with a dead card :bleh:

and nice pics and benchies...... the X800XT is actually equal to the level of a 6800 Ultra right?? and the X800XT PE was at the level of the the 6800 Ultra Extreme..... You are getting some fab scores there.......
Nikhil said:
but I think someone said that all you need is a BIOS flash to make PAL work..... It was in the other thread....
i dont want to start flashing the bios and stuff just yet :p rather get another tv tuner instead . anyway here in chennai we still have the stupid CAS i can always connect the set top box to the composite video in dongle if i really wanted to see cable ;)
bottle said:
i dont want to start flashing the bios and stuff just yet :p rather get another tv tuner instead . anyway here in chennai we still have the stupid CAS i can always connect the set top box to the composite video in dongle if i really wanted to see cable ;)

Oh.... then it is very good.........
Blade_Runner said:
bottle what cooling are going for this card ? Artic cooling doesnt have one for the AIW x800xt ! zalman then ??

might pick up a vf700cu. i have a zalman zm 80c but i cant use that properly on my neo2 since the heatsink is too close to the agp slot. cant use the top part and the heatpipe . was using only the lower part on my 9800pro and it really lost its effectiveness
bottle said:
might pick up a vf700cu. i have a zalman zm 80c but i cant use that properly on my neo2 since the heatsink is too close to the agp slot. cant use the top part and the heatpipe . was using only the lower part on my 9800pro and it really lost its effectiveness
well, u can always give it to me then :p
phew... relief.. for a moment i thot we had a major break down and we had lost the benchies-post!! Thank GOD!

and baatliboi, we want MORE! :hap2:
bottle what is this man. get a better monitor & put up benchs of 1600 x 1200.

1024 doesnt do that card justice. or atleast 1280 x 1024 with fsaa & anisotropic.
stormblast said:
bottle what is this man. get a better monitor & put up benchs of 1600 x 1200.

1024 doesnt do that card justice. or atleast 1280 x 1024 with fsaa & anisotropic.

will do soon, got the card at the wrong time when i m caught up with other things :D
Nicely done bottle... You look like one happy gamer...

Switch posted 5.7 minutes later:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to bottle again.

So reps Due...