Level N
Ati catalyst control center sucks big time.
I have configured hotkeys to change different color schemes.
But most of the times while changing the scheme the hdd light glows bt nothing changes.
its so sloooooooowwwwwwwww as if its a 16bit msdos thing.
can Rivatuner be used with ati for color schemes and accessing?
i just dont wanna use this crap catalyst center anymore.
els m ready to literally buy new nvidia gpu.
in software wise Ati will never come upto the mark of nvidia.
I have configured hotkeys to change different color schemes.
But most of the times while changing the scheme the hdd light glows bt nothing changes.
its so sloooooooowwwwwwwww as if its a 16bit msdos thing.
can Rivatuner be used with ati for color schemes and accessing?
i just dont wanna use this crap catalyst center anymore.
els m ready to literally buy new nvidia gpu.
in software wise Ati will never come upto the mark of nvidia.