Graphic Cards ati crossfire

r u sure ? i am going to put hd 4850 and 4670 in this mobo for my htpc/gaminc pc !

is it fine ?

and where to get that crossfire thing ? cable or what u put ? sorry im not much into gaming !
I am not so sure about that cause I got horrible microstuttering in crysis using a 4850 and a 4870. But then again it maybe a driver problem and that was like 4 months ago.
^ well if you got the answer, no harm in typing either :|

As for Crossfire and Crossfire X, AFAIK Crossfire is for two separate cards of the same series for eg., 4xxx series can be put together for better performance.

When it comes to Crossfire X, its for a single card with Dual GPU's. Its like an option which we need to check in CCC if we have a dual GPU cards likes 3870x2 or 4870x2 or 4850x2. That option will appear only when CCC detects that you have an X2 card.

Correct me if i am wrong :ashamed:
i dont think u can crossfire 2 different series cards . only possbile to crossfire 4870 or 4870 + 4850 like that . if u want to crossfire 4670 then u need either 4670 or 4650 for crossfire :S