Linux ATi Display Driver Installation Problem on Suse 11.0

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i have installed OpenSuse 11.0

downloaded catalyst 8.9 for linux.

installed as per instructions on amd site....

installation was successful according to the catalyst installation..

[i could notice that the driver was installed (mayb) as i could increase the screen resolution beyond what was available prior to the installation of catalyst]

but when i start the catalyst control centre... i get the following error..

also when i try to enable desktop effect for compiz fusion... the screen bcoms white..

then i have 2 restart 2 get back to the desktop. (or either disable it by unckecking the box ...guesswork on a white screen..)

i would like to know how to get the driver installed properly in order to enable desktop effects...

ty in advance :)

EDIT:- installation was done by command $su root ./<dloaded *.run file>
tried the same... but didnt help.

same error, same problem...

will restart n check if it changes..

EDIT: nope...its the same even after the restart
Also please post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log (do it on a pastebin, the output will be quite a lot).

#cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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