Graphic Cards ATI or NVIDIA

To finish, AMD have some IQ work to do, with both surface and AA filtering. The former lags behind NVIDIA in absolute IQ levels, and the latter feels like a taster of things to come, rather than a truly polished implementation of what's possible with non-box filtered MSAA quality in a modern graphics architecture.

That's not to say the final pixels out of R6-series parts are visually objectionable. Far from it of course, with only IQ connoisseurs likely to tell the absolute difference between R6 and other hardware when playing games in motion at common settings (so no CFAA). But we always ask the IHVs to up the absolute quality when they can, and we hope AMD make some extra forward progress there for their next generation products.

Looks like the AMD IQ aint that diff, but ofcourse the shader throughput is another matter.

A very interesting article, though quite a bit of it is very technical can be found here:

Beyond3D - AMD R6xx: Image Quality Analysis w/ AA focus