ATI prepares new chipset for Intel


NVIDIA IS super jealous with ATI for striking the Intel chipset deal. Making chipsets for Intel means quantities, means millions of both chips and dollars and Nvidia would like to get a chunk of it.

Intel will decrease its chipset share but will earn more money as it won't pay ATI as much as you might think as it can afford, to take that lofty view. You would be lofty if you were selling 41 million chipsets per quarter.

ATI has had a great success with its IGP RC410 chipsets as Intel is happy with the graphics and it's selling nicely. Still it works on a new chipset codenamed RC610 that is scheduled for production in Q3 2006.

The chipset should be sampling in Q1 2006 already and we think that ATI might add some new core that might have more things in common with Vista. After all Visa is scheduled for early Q4 2006 anyway.

We don’t know many details about this chipset but we certainly expect a new graphic core. We also know that it's a low cost thing capable of running Intel dual core CPUs and that it's pin compatible with all ATI south bridges including SB400, SB450 upcoming SB600.