Performance is not an issue anymore in most of the games. Both parties has way too powerful cards than 95% of the games needs out there.
Only game that chokes the cards was FEAR and now X1900XT handles that with ease too, and honestly i dont like that game too much either
So given the phenominal performances of these cards the IQ becomes relative.
Those who enjoy games like NFSMW see it in action on ATI hardware, you will be surprised how much quality difference there is.
The shimmering and AA quality even on hardware like 7800GT is noticibly inferior. And that shadow bug still exsists in this game too.
The shadow bug is there in way too many games. Its there in Fable too, and it makes its absolute gfx even more crappy in Fable.
And guys when you notice shimmer in motion in the game its way worse than that you can notice in screenshot.
Even blade will agree with me on this. He was at my home and saw 7800GT in action and the first thing he noticed was shimmering and AA problem
The bad part here in india is availability of ATI hardware.
IF you dont have hardware to buy locally then no matter how good the card is it makes very little difference.
I hope those people and pink and white get their @$$ moving to bring the damn cards in quantity in india.
Better would be big distros like Rashi start importing ATI hardware.