Audio Engineers/ bedroom producers please unite

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red dragon

I guess there's no dedicated thread for these people.
We will try to stick to
1. DAW of your choice
2. Plugins ( both hardware and software)
3. Techniques of mixing
4. Techniques of mastering
5. Troubleshooting and helping one another with their mixes.
6. Your sample collection.
7. Very minimal discussion on proper instruments ( guitars, drums, bass, analog synths etc.) But focus mainly on midi keyboards, midi drum pads and things like that.
We will try our best to help the people who have just started with vfm or free softwares, cheap interfaces and midi keyboards.
I will start of with the bare minimums with which you can start producing.
Things you need..
1.A computer with preferably a SSD for your DAW and effects. Samples can be stored in HDDs, yes it will be slow but very much usable.
You need at least 8GB of RAM, any 4th gen of i5/ i7 will suffice. Trust me, you don't need a powerful set up once you know how to use your resources properly.
2. DAW:
Free options:
There are many, but I would suggest Bandlab Sonar or Traktion Waveform Free.
Sonar is completely free and has everything.
Traktion is little different and crashes at times in my system, but some of my friends swear by it.
Ableton Live 10
Presonus Studio One Pro
Cubase 10/? 11 pro
I would suggest Presonus, very easy and intelligent DAW. And little less expensive.
Live 10 is superb, but the full version costs a lot, perfect for experimentation...
Free: This one is tricky... GarageBand is easy to learn and very capable...and transition to Logic is absolutely seamless. Logic is only 200 USD and has absolutely EVERYTHING.

You may very well start making music with these only even if you don't have a midi keyboard ( but that would help) get the cheapest Akai or Alexis you can get ( even 25 key ones are enough for beginning)
I'm trying to re create a version a Jesus to a child. And don't have my usual string libraries with me.
So trying with Ableton's string library...and it's giving me a real hard time.
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