Audiophile and gears

oui guys, anyone here who have listened to a variety of TWS wireless earphones? what are the best sounding and durable TWS in two price brackets, ~5k and ~ 10k
After enjoying the DAC with my Note 9 Pro, I upgraded to the G8X during the October sales when it was available for 20k.
Did you find any difference between your E1DA and G8X except for power output?

I think both devices are using the same DAC if I am not wrong.
Did you find any difference between your E1DA and G8X except for power output?

I think both devices are using the same DAC if I am not wrong.
Yeah, power output was massively different. For me, the G8X wasn't powerful enough for my HD650, but some people find that the G8X is enough.
Frankly speaking, I, personally haven't tried any other devices so I can't say whether they sound different or same because I don't have an analytical ear. I just know what I like and stick to it and I use both devices with different HPs/IEM. The E1DA is used specifically with the HD650 because my version requires 2.5mm balanced cable and I only have that for my 650s.
I am not much familiar with R2Rs but heard they are vintage types. All those mentioned by you seems to be of desktop kind and not portable which is my main requirement.

iDSD BL and Mojo goes toe to toe according to many but with Mojo there is an option of adding Poly and making it sort of DAP. Thus giving preference to Mojo currently. I think only mid end Sony that is widely acclaimed is WM1A, are you talking about that..

I am not aware of any portable R2R DACs. Getting a Poly and Mojo will result in a pretty big (length wise) structure, I would personally prefer a decent DAP like Ibasso DX160/Cayin N3 Pro / Shanling M6 stacked with a good portable amp like Pico Slim. I feel this would be better than the Poly + Mojo combination. I have my apprehensions about Chord after owning a Hugo, was not a huge fan of its sound signature, so take my opinions with a pinch of salt and glass of tequila :P
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Don't go by the lukewarm reviews of Sony A series walkman ( specially the non Android ones)
They do have ( at least the one I have and the previous model is pretty much same) very good quality DAC/ AMP and much more powerful than entry level Fiio and all ipods. The battery life is absolutely phenomenal. I don't use the plethora of DSPs. Even without all those, these are genuinely good and simple DAPs.
My impressions on Sony after their wireless cans were not really good. But this has changed things. Sony still have 2 distinct lines of audio products. Afterall they come from the land of craziest audiophiles!!
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Sennheiser is a joke when it comes to IEMs. $300 for this crap?

They are basically looting customers with a lacklustre product such as this. Cheap build, too basic accessories and horrendous sound quality for the price.
For around $300-400, you can get options such as:
  • Moondrop Blessing 2
  • Tanchjim Darling
  • Fiio FH5
  • Fiio FD5
Dear, this thing has the same driver of IE800. You may not like it ( considering you've heard it), but the driver is by no means bad compared to something like FD5 ( Do you sincerely plan to wear FD5 in an airport/ train station?)
I've used IE800 for years, sure they were overpriced, but they sounded fantastic a lot better than Shure SE535 or Westone 4. And they do last for years.
Nothing against Monndrop or any semi expensive chi fi...but I will never spend 80-100 EUR for a chi fi as they all break with time. And the sound quality difference is miniscule and some do prefer the Sennheiser sound.
GIven their absolutely fantastic warranty policy, Sennheiser sure can sell an 300USD IEM and MANY audiophiles with high end chi fi will eventually buy the IE300.
Personally I have at least 20K USD invested in IEM over the years, but when I travel, it was always the IE80 earlier and now the IE40 Pro as the IEM ( it's the least preferred listening option, but has to be the most dependent one for me, so that I have at least something to listen to without fear of breaking it)
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Dear, this thing has the same driver of IE800. You may not like it ( considering you've heard it), but the driver is by no means bad compared to something like FD5 ( Do you sincerely plan to wear FD5 in an airport/ train station?)
I've used IE800 for years, sure they were overpriced, but they sounded fantastic a lot better than Shure SE535 or Westone 4. And they do last for years.
Nothing against Monndrop or any semi expensive chi fi...but I will never spend 80-100 EUR for a chi fi as they all break with time. And the sound quality difference is miniscule and some do prefer the Sennheiser sound.
GIven their absolutely fantastic warranty policy, Sennheiser sure can sell an 300USD IEM and MANY audiophiles with high end chi fi will eventually buy the IE300.
Personally I have at least 20K USD invested in IEM over the years, but when I travel, it was always the IE80 earlier and now the IE40 Pro as the IEM ( it's the least preferred listening option, but has to be the most dependent one for me, so that I have at least something to listen to without fear of breaking it)
I don't know what you have against CHI-FI, but the world wouldn't have seen a drastic revolution in the IEM industry if not for CHI-FI.

The IE 800 came in what? 2013/2014? That's like 7-8 years before, which is almost like more than two decades in the world of CHI-FI. Mate, you need to stop living in the past and go forward with time.

It doesn't matter if the IE 300 is using the same driver as IE 800. The shocking thing is - Sennheiser is using a 8 year old tech and expect customers to pay top dollars in 2021. That doesn't happen.

The CHI-FI options in the range of $300-400 that I mentioned above have incredible builds, good quality accessories and sound tonality (and imaging) that beats the IE 300 out-of-the-water.

Sennheiser is basically selling a $50 IEM (maximum value according to build, accessories & sound) disguised as a $300 monitor and that's about it. Even the $30 BLON-BL03s have better build than these.
I don’t know about IE300 and personally tried various budget Sennheisers (mainly under 3k) before and found none of them any special. But IE800/IE800s is different story and they are definitely one of the best dynamic driver IEMs along with Xelento. I consider them to be top dog among dynamics.
Nothing against chi-fi..I love bl03, T2 and a few more.
1. Audio equipment ( specially drivers in an iem / headphones don't improve on a yearly basis. When did HD600 come?) Yes, IE800 was not ruler flat, but had an exceptional sound signature. Getting the driver in a 300 USD IEM with MMCX connector is not bad at all as a deal.
2. Secondly, the Sennheiser memory wire is not bad at all. I don't have IE300, but both IE400, 40 uses the same memory wire and they are perfectly fine.
Don't go by the lukewarm reviews of Sony A series walkman ( specially the non Android ones)
They do have ( at least the one I have and the previous model is pretty much same) very good quality DAC/ AMP and much more powerful than entry level Fiio and all ipods. The battery life is absolutely phenomenal. I don't use the plethora of DSPs. Even without all those, these are genuinely good and simple DAPs.
My impressions on Sony after their wireless cans were not really good. But this has changed things. Sony still have 2 distinct lines of audio products. Afterall they come from the land of craziest audiophiles!!
old a-45s were amazing ? thoughts on android based a-105s ? Not sure there are better daps for cheaper
I don't know what you have against CHI-FI, but the world wouldn't have seen a drastic revolution in the IEM industry if not for CHI-FI.

The IE 800 came in what? 2013/2014? That's like 7-8 years before, which is almost like more than two decades in the world of CHI-FI. Mate, you need to stop living in the past and go forward with time.

It doesn't matter if the IE 300 is using the same driver as IE 800. The shocking thing is - Sennheiser is using a 8 year old tech and expect customers to pay top dollars in 2021. That doesn't happen.

The CHI-FI options in the range of $300-400 that I mentioned above have incredible builds, good quality accessories and sound tonality (and imaging) that beats the IE 300 out-of-the-water.

Sennheiser is basically selling a $50 IEM (maximum value according to build, accessories & sound) disguised as a $300 monitor and that's about it. Even the $30 BLON-BL03s have better build than these.
Chi-Fi is a pile of dust scattered all around in air, the day it settles down we will see their tuning improved which emphasise highs/treble to fake details currently.

Only Chi-Fi company I care about is QDC (64 Audio of China), I am not saying that their contributions to the Hi-Fi world is nothing. After Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan there is China that have most number of audiophiles and maybe even more than the former mentioned countries. There were some start-up companies like FLC but most of them haven't survived the Chinese slowdown from what I heard.
Chi-Fi is a pile of dust scattered all around in air, the day it settles down we will see their tuning improved which emphasise highs/treble to fake details currently.

Only Chi-Fi company I care about is QDC (64 Audio of China), I am not saying that their contributions to the Hi-Fi world is nothing. After Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan there is China that have most number of audiophiles and maybe even more than the former mentioned countries. There were some start-up companies like FLC but most of them haven't survived the Chinese slowdown from what I heard.

I dont think so , there have been some really well tuned IEMs from China too. At a budget of 25-30k or lower , its difficult to beat the value Chi-Fi offers. After trying multiple IEMs till the Andromeda & Solaris( have owned the Moondrop Kanas Pro, NiceHCK HK6, Obravo Cupids, Campfire Andromeda) and based on my usage scenarios , I have settled for a Ikko OH10 which again is Chi-Fi but at about 200$ does some things really well & consider that I use IEMs only while travelling with so much outdoor noise I did not want to stay with an expensive IEM . Also to name a few other good ones in chi-fi you have the Fearless S8F, S6F , Dunu lineup , Moondrop Starfield 2 and Tin T2, P1 and I am sure that I have still missed a few good ones.

Due to removable cables all these IEMs can easily last you for a good 2-3 years, you can also experiment with cables if you like to ( I have refrained myself from doing this with IEM's , other than getting a budget balanced cable).
Well there are some exceptions like ThieAudio, MoonDrop, Fearless (boutique companies) and few Dunu models that have proved their metal but I am talking about general trend here and especially sub $100 bracket. For $200 I think JVC FDX1 available on Drop is hard to beat and I advice everyone to save up instead of staying in the $100 range forever.
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Well there are some exceptions like ThieAudio, MoonDrop, Fearless (boutique companies) and few Dunu models that have proved their metal but I am talking about general trend here and especially sub $100 bracket. For $200 I think JVC FDX1 available on Drop is hard to beat and I advice everyone to save up instead of staying in the $100 range forever.
The Drop FDX1 is something I want to get my hands on and try it out, do check out the Ikko lineup as well. I subjectively feel its one of the best sub 200$ IEM out there ( barring FDX1 which I have not tried yet).
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Wireless audio gurus, please suggest me some budget TWS, to be used only in bed before going to sleep ( mostly audio books and some music)
Every morning I'm getting up with wires tangled around neck. Don't want to get accidentally strangulated.
Don't want to spend much ( around 100 EUR would be great), even half decent sound quality will do but the battery should last for 3-4 hours
I'm also looking to purchase a wireless earbuds set, neckband type. Must be durable is the main thing, and microphone has to be of good quality. I was eyeing the Rha MA650 and Byron BT before corona but since the lockdown hit all of them vanishes from the face of the earth. Few days ago I was going for the Oppo m31 something, cheap one but one or two reviews caught my eyes that these earphones don't last more than a year. I was like WTF.

Please advise.