Audiophile upgrade......

Metalspree said:
Thanks,If u r looking just for an amp then the iBasso T3 is your best bet.

P3+ is a very good toy to fiddle around :hap2: except or those 6 AAA which will make it a brick :mad:

EDIT: hmm T3, nevermind :bleh:
Metalspree said:
I am in total love with it .I am not gonna sell it to you at Rs 50/- :p..My roomies were confused why as to i spent 237USD such small thing it took me 1 hour to explain them .Difficult to make noobs understand whats audiophile stuff:mad:.I might pester u again in some days for a headphone get ready :p

You shouldn't bother next time. I tried explaining to my parents and friends.. and only one or two understood.
This time I told my friends that my tube amp costs $50.
and the DAC costs $40. :ashamed:
My parents won't see it for quite some time, so no hurries there.

Congrats on the buy though! :hap2: