Auto Forward Mail from Hotmail to Gmail?

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How to Auto Forward Mail from Hotmail to Gmail & how to transfer all current Mail from Hotmail to Gmail?

I think its possible from Gmail to Hotmail

Nehow you can try using Outlook express

First download all the mails onto Hotmail Outlook Account

and from there create a new Gmail pop account and then download the messages from your Hotmail to Gmail

Thats what I think can be done.

I dont think my instructions are very clear but I think you should get the idea of it.
Not possible to transfer your mail from hotmail to gmail

you see they are rivals and sometimes your invitation from gmail doesnot go on a hotmail id

so there`s no way for what you asking they are staunch enemies.

so not possible

for a mail forwarding go to the options panel and forward all your mails to gmail.
Else you can download all your messages to Outlook

And then fill in your gmail address in the forward section

and transfer all your mails at once to gmail
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