Auto Repairing LAN network..

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Analog Vibes
guys..i need some help

someone is trying to conflict my internet IP on the local LAN ..and my connection to the gateway is lost (i get request timed out when i ping to the gateway)due to this ..and i get disconnected from the Internet after every few minutes .

is there anyway i can find out who is playing around with my IP address and conflicting it ??i contacted sify but they said even they cant do anything in this matter..and they will send an engineer who will come and check or change my IP.and as far as i know this is gonna take ages thanx to gr8 service of SIFY.. of now the only solution i have ve found is right clicking on the LAN network icon and clicking on repair..this clears the

ARP and NetBT cache..and as soon as these both are cleared my LAN network starts working

i ve kept a file for download now..and cant keep repairing the LAN every 2-3 mins all night long..

so i wanted to ask is there any way i can create a batch file or something which will automatically REPAIR the LAN (clear the ARP \NetBT cache)..

when the connection to the gateway is lost..

also i had found a DOS command which clears the cache and the LAN starts is there anyway using this i can fix my problem..

cmon guys..i need some urgent help as i want to finish my download uf Sabayon LINUX by tomorrow..morning..!

Networking pros...think out of the box..and help me out !:P
Why dont you change your ip urself, or do you need a specific ip to connect to authenticate with sify's server.
Hacker said:
Why dont you change your ip urself, or do you need a specific ip to connect to authenticate with sify's server.

no i need a specific ip..and the ip is binded to my MAC ID ..and its verified by the sify server while logging in..

anyone else guys ??..there must be some way to create a batch file..for this..
thanx a lot ..Hacker..reps added for the help !:hap2:

but do i make this Batch file run automatically whenever theres a ip conflict or my connection to the gateway is lost.. ?

i just want to sleep peacefully at night instead of gettin up in the middle of night
just to check if some1 is not trying to use my account .by conflicting the IP.
and theres no use of complaining to SIFY..they just dont do anything !
then that someone would be the sify engineer because only they can assign an ip address to customers and bind the mac address right?

tell them u wont pay them any money since u cant connect to the net, that will make them send someone the next day to ur house - and ask for the same ip, let them figure it out which new customer got ur ip and change that customers ip address.
6pack said:
then that someone would be the sify engineer because only they can assign an ip address to customers and bind the mac address right?

tell them u wont pay them any money since u cant connect to the net, that will make them send someone the next day to ur house - and ask for the same ip, let them figure it out which new customer got ur ip and change that customers ip address.

naah got the IP changed doesnt work that way..

its like MAC address is checked by the server only when u login ..once ur logged in..if some one else enters ur IP ..and tries using it ..his net starts working..and if i repair my LAN and then logoff... the chap wont be able to use net even if uses my IP..

and ive heard tht they use some hacking or IP scanning see which ip is online and logged into Sify server..

its really irritating..

i have a 256 kbps unlimited plan..maybe thts why i am being tortured more..

uhhh:@just rite now while typing all this i got a IP conflict..

i pity those who have a 400 mb limited plan..there MBs must be gettin used up without there knowledge..!
faheem_m said:
naah got the IP changed doesnt work that way..
its like MAC address is checked by the server only when u login ..once ur logged in..if some one else enters ur IP ..and tries using it ..his net starts working..and if i repair my LAN and then logoff... the chap wont be able to use net even if uses my IP..
and ive heard tht they use some hacking or IP scanning see which ip is online and logged into Sify server..
its really irritating..

i have a 256 kbps unlimited plan..maybe thts why i am being tortured more..
uhhh:@just rite now while typing all this i got a IP conflict..

i pity those who have a 400 mb limited plan..there MBs must be gettin used up without there knowledge..!

Damn thats quite sad..and btw the tool that they use to know which ip's are currently assigned in the sify network is angry ip scanner. Infact i know one guy from frag-shack who use to hack like this and use someone else's account :no:

Pretty sad if you ask me, they should have some better way for authentication, and anyway the sify client is the worst client filled with unnecessary bloat :@
rushabht said:
Damn thats quite sad..and btw the tool that they use to know which ip's are currently assigned in the sify network is angry ip scanner. Infact i know one guy from frag-shack who use to hack like this and use someone else's account :no:

Pretty sad if you ask me, they should have some better way for authentication, and anyway the sify client is the worst client filled with unnecessary bloat :@

yeah sify

but cant help it..i need to have a sify connection to play CZ and other games with my frnds on the LAN ..and to downloads 100's of GB's ..of stuff from the LAN..

so is there anything i can do using this script ..

@[URL=""]echo[/URL] off


:: IPREPAIR.[URL=""]CMD[/URL] - Attempt to repair the network connections


:: Written 12/16/03 by Rick Campbell


:: Determine what OS this script is running on.

if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto :end

[URL=""]ver[/URL] | [URL=""]find[/URL] "[Version 5" || goto :end

:: Clear environment variables

[URL=""]set[/URL] dhcp=

:: Determine if client is dynamically or statically assigned an IP address

[URL=""]echo[/URL] Determining if client is DHCP based...

[URL=""]for[/URL] /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%d in (

    '[URL=""]netsh[/URL] int ip sh add ^| [URL=""]find[/URL] /i "DHCP"'

) do (

    [URL=""]set[/URL] dhcp=%%d


:: If client is dynamic, then release and renew the IP address

if /i "%dhcp%"=="Yes" (

    [URL=""]echo[/URL] Client is using DHCP - Renewing the DHCP Address lease...

    [URL=""]ipconfig[/URL] /release > nul

    [URL=""]ipconfig[/URL] /renew   > nul

) else (

    [URL=""]echo[/URL] Client is statically assigned - leaving address untouched...


:: Flush the [URL=""]ARP[/URL], NetBIOS, and DNS cache's

[URL=""]echo[/URL] Flushing the [URL=""]ARP[/URL] Cache...

[URL=""]arp[/URL] -d * > nul

[URL=""]echo[/URL] Flushing the NetBIOS Cache...

[URL=""]nbtstat[/URL] -R > nul

[URL=""]echo[/URL] Flushing the DNS Cache...

[URL=""]ipconfig[/URL] /flushdns > nul

:: Re-register the NetBIOS and Computer names with WINS and DNS

[URL=""]echo[/URL] Re-registering the NetBIOS and Computer name with WINS and DNS...

[URL=""]nbtstat[/URL] -RR > nul

[URL=""]ipconfig[/URL] /registerdns > nul

goto :eof


[URL=""]echo[/URL] This script is to be run on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Only!

somethin like it runs when i get request timed out from gateway..

or if thats not possible i want it to run after say every 20-30 mins .

so atleast my net wont be disconnected all nite..and my downloads wont stop !
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