automated timed screen capture

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i need a software which will
capture screen
do it automatically say every 10 sec or 20 or 30 sec once timer is set till i tell it to STOP :)
AND save it it without asking in predetermined folder with sequential naming(as in a digicam)
1>got "screen print platinum"
does it all except the autosave and so conflicts with other programs working with sequential image display (the source)
2>got "quick screen capture"
does autosave
HELP says it has timer capture mode
can't find that button (yes i read the help and followed the orders)
any help will be appreciated
free e comics ??!! (NOT free to me; i bought them, yes, in the e-format)

free e-novels??!!

but i guess u can get them free anyway :-(

also u probably don't read raj comics

where's nutopia?

what sort of incentive ?
lol. i got my e-comics and raj comics stuff.

Nutopia -> You can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

You wanna capture in gif/jpeg/png(i prefer png)/bmp?

but i can only code for windows.

also do you want to see the mouse pointer in the capture?
Done :hap2:

pretty much self explanatory. It wud create an ini file to save your settings which you may later edit manually or simply delete and it wud create it again

For simplicities sake, I have included only 100% quality 32bit jpeg support.
It wud capture all transparent windows flawlessly too. :)


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@free radical

software was radical and free ;-)

thanks works perfectly repped u

just noticed

the cursor blinks at each capture so looking at the cursor tells u that capture is done

(eg when u r inside game, video etc.)

nice touch
guys u should check the time stamps

i give problem at 8:15

radical provides solution in 1 hr flat and it WORKS

TE ROCKS !! and so does radical :-)

er....... by the way , howd u make it radical ?
wow...great application radical..

wud be very helpful to keep on eye on my office staf....needed somethin like this ...thnx...also to the op...repped both.. : )
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