Avtar In The House!


What's happening people?

Yeah I know it's been a long time but I've finished off with my board exams about 9 days ago, and I thought I may as well start posting a little bit on here every now and then. So here it is then, I'll hopefully stick around this time.

I'm Avtar, I... erm, helped set up this website when it was in its baby stages. Let's just say that the ass responsible for TechEnclave, and for Darklord and for Supernova and Xterminator and everyone to come together was me. All started off when a smartass from Digit Forums said that a 13 year old can't possibly make a forum and run it.

I proved him wrong 3-4 years ago. ;)

So, how's everything?
Nikhil, not quite reached 120 WPM yet, but I still do hope that I'll be able to do that one day. I don't use the little fingers of my hands for God knows what reason, they just won't type, no matter what, but ah well, I think I'm near 115 now or something, so a little more work required. ;)

Kumar. Those were the days! Of struggle and hard work, if we got 20 posts on the forum apart from the staff posting we would be elated. ;)
well look who we have here..

Well i hope this time u stick around :p

and hope u excel in ur boards which am sure you will :p
Hey Avatar,

Nice to see you back man.I am sure you will stick around for a much more longer period and hope to see you actively participating in TE.

Have a nice time.
Haa nice one... I like your style man "smartass from the digit forums........"... Yeah u really showed him.....
Enjoy posting 'again' man...
welcome (back) to the enclave from another 'ass kicker' - Vandal :eek:hyeah:
Hey Av,
Welcome back:D

Whats up?
Boards over for good:D
Your results will be great i know:D

So whats new?

At Proboards we had a really nice time:D

Hopefully you will be back here for good this time:D
Keep Posting:D
What's happening people?

Yeah I know it's been a long time but I've finished off with my board exams about 9 days ago, and I thought I may as well start posting a little bit on here every now and then. So here it is then, I'll hopefully stick around this time.

I'm Avtar, I... erm, helped set up this website when it was in its baby stages. Let's just say that the ass responsible for TechEnclave, and for Darklord and for Supernova and Xterminator and everyone to come together was me. All started off when a smartass from Digit Forums said that a 13 year old can't possibly make a forum and run it.

I proved him wrong 3-4 years ago.

So, how's everything?
gosh i never knew this hey welcome back pal. Hope you excel in your board exams. now that the board exams are over you can njoy at TE. and your typing speed is close to 115wpm thats awesome man. :hap2:
Welcome back man!
Even me too coming back after a long time...
My SSC boards will get over within 25/03/2006. Tommorow's a holiday and then the last exam, computer.