Awesome Bioshock 2 debut gameplay video

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who cares about the graphcis as long as its passable. I am more looking forward to a proper storyline. Thats what made the original Bioshock so wow.
THe game play kinda looks the same IMHO.

@ Sharekhan , yeah that's what makes the games interesting these days. . we don't want benchmarking tools, we want games with good storyline and strong characters :D
^^ yeah me too, i started playing but then i got hooked onto COD 4 multiplayer and i ve been on the 3rd level since forever :P

it looks pretty similar to the first part, and i hope its scary
vishalrao said:
Gameplay and presentation may be good, but the graphics/3D look very dated....

Yeah, it almost looks as if they used the original game to make the trailer. The first part of gameplay looks prettier in terms of textures etc but the action looks exactly the same.
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