aXXo's decryption software (codec)... whats it?

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guys just downloaded a movie from torrent but it shows to follow the instruction in WWW.TORRENTM8.COM to get the codec, it needs a CC to verify, of course some porn stuff.... i dont have CC can u guys help me out..?/
what ever you do dont give ur CC number

Its 100 % fake and there is no such thing as aXXo's decryption software specially for pirated movies on torrent
It's a fake movie that was probably uploaded by some scammer (or probably RIAA).

axxo's movies work without a problem on vlc. Btw, his encoded movies are pretty poor. You could easily get a better encoded movie through a private tracker.
umm... the site is fake...

Axxo is out of action for some time still this isnt site

search for Darkside or Superfundo on net. They have genuine Axxo files.

Axxo for whatever he is pirate etc...... is still a guy who doesnt put these codecs or similar stuff... His rips were cleanest and most apt. So for sure this is fake
If you specifically want aXXo rips then download them from

That is the home of aXXo on the internet.
anish_sha said:
guys just downloaded a movie from torrent but it shows to follow the instruction in WWW.TORRENTM8.COM to get the codec, it needs a CC to verify, of course some porn stuff.... i dont have CC can u guys help me out..?/

you really thought that movie was encrypted, and it redirected to a porn site asking for ur CC verification for the codec?

aXXo's official account on mininova is , youll always get the genuine files here
I dont know why ppl download axxo crap when all he does is re-encode scene stuff. Well I guess his 800mb rips appeal to some low bandwith users.

BTW whenever And I mean whenever there is a torrent saying you need to get a specific codec from a site where you need to sign up or you need to get a password from a certain letter or word from a certain site you can be sure its fake.

I just don't know why ppl don't read comments given under the torrent b4 downloading it.

Axxo is out of action for some time

He is not. Axxo Klaxxon fxg rips you can all get on you can be 100% sure cause theres a green tick next to them. :P
anish_sha said:
guys just downloaded a movie from torrent but it shows to follow the instruction in WWW.TORRENTM8.COM to get the codec, it needs a CC to verify, of course some porn stuff.... i dont have CC can u guys help me out..?/
You downloaded a fake torrent :rofl:
Probably a new movie labelled as DVDRip by aXXo..
mebaali said:
It's a Fake, as gforce suggested better try Private Trackers for downloading decent quality flicks.

If in doubt then check this thread for some of the best private torrents site open for registration (i guess demonoid was open for sign up when i checked in the after noon)
Yeah right , demonoid has better quality stuff than produced by aXXo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you are interested in aXXo then better go to mininova and search for "aXXo -Klaxxon -saxxo" to get all his rips and that too having thousands of seeds. These are genuine in nature. Read the comments before downloading (if you doubt)

The above -klaxxon and -saxxo is because these two rippers have cropped up to get some fame in the name of axxo. :)
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