Ayan: should I STAY in TE ?

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Dude ....stop with all dat nonesense ..... if u wanna quit just quit ... if u wanna stay ...just stay ...... keep in mind d people here dont give a Damm abt u ........ U r only doing urself a Favour by staying here nd learning new things daily ...... even i hve been in a fight with d mods before ....... but seriously nothing waz achieved in d end ! If u think dat u r helping d community by posting here then continue to do so ...... nd lastly dont let dis virtual world get d better of u !

I for one do not like ur attitude ....... arre bhai apne muh miyan mithu kyon banta hai ? Nyways doesn't matter to me if u stay or quit ..... but just stop bashing TE now !

Normally i don't poke my nose in anyone's business, But I couldn't stop myself. Stop making a fool of yourself, TE is an open community where nobody can stop you from posting or quitting. Do you think people would actually care to vote if they want you to stay or quit ?

All of us not tech gurus here, so are bound to make mistakes. If you have been ridiculed in the past for posting crap stuff, its upto you, how mature you are to make them believe that you are not a dumbo. There are trillions of forums out there....but you know which one is the closest to your heart.
lol...Ayan you are an insane guy...you need some love dont you...
ok a$$hole STAY puhhllleeeez :bleh:

who the hell add this option 'No Comments'
don't make it harder man.

I am too here to make friends, but there should be a 'respect' (I am not talking about Reputation or Total no of POSTs or that GREEN PROGRESS BAR)
Thanks for 'dada'

and thanks VIJ too :O
quit asap & give me freedom :@ :bleh:

guys vote for quit as he called me a mother f****r via PM :@

Look, I am telling it from 3rd persona view.

You dont get respect just like that. You only get hit on if you give chance, and only you can decide how you behave.

You wana make some comments to someone that are too obvious to indulge hot remarks use PM. its a beautiful system.

TE has reached to a level where 1 person be it you or even me wont make any difference to TE as such.

You make place for yourself. You just cant go around expecting everyone to respect you. Thats never going to happen. There will always be people that hate you and thats the fact.

How you put yourself forward is what matters. And frankly threads like this just dont help anyone.
^^ Very well explained Funky. Ayan go through his posts and try to understand what he means. U maybe upset with TE and some of its members but u certainly wont get respect this way.
after seeing all this..i dnt knw what say.. i feel this is normal..and maybe happens once in a while..why dnt u 4 get everythin AYAN and start a fresh..try to make u r mark ..at TE....plzz..why dnt we stop it here..we are unnecessarily dragging it..

now this makes me .worry ..what do my fellow members/frnds on TE ..think of me ?i hope i am ..not one of those whom ppl hate at TE..though theres no reason to hate..
Funky has summed it up very well ! :)

iosoft said:
I am too here to make friends, but there should be a 'respect' (I am not talking about Reputation or Total no of POSTs or that GREEN PROGRESS BAR)

IIRC, your last few posts before these threads were in the Feedback section asking why there wasnt any "Reputation Upgrade". Isnt that contradictory? Over time as a Mod, I have noticed this Reputation syndrome to affect a lot of people in weird manners - do not let your Rep points rule your status! If you feel your posts were worth it, be self-content :)

Your feedback was well received, and the Admins took the trouble to implement it as well - doesnt that come under the area of respect, would they have done it if they did not respect your views?

I dont know you well enough to comment, but from my initial analysis all I can say is that you seem to crave attention :)

Whether you stay or leave TE is not for us or anyone else to comment upon. Would you shift houses just because your neighbors said they did not like you?? :huh:

What anyone thinks of you has hardly any impact on what you do and where you go. Think about it and please spare some time for some introspection before starting anymore threads like this :)

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