Baap of all 'Group Orders'.

vandal said:
Yeah. I would also be interested in seeing the fitting. btw the largest fan is a 92mm on this or can one go 120mm?

Am using a 92mm Panaflow (NMB-MAT OEM) 92mm High speed on this... and at around 60% speed, it is doing a great job of cooling the thing.

A 120 could be mounted but could prove ineffective because of the big dead center. I will try that and let you know the difference.
Eazy said:
I have tried in front and behind with the fan blowing and sucking .... best temp is with fan in front and blowing onto heatsink... right now temp of 8800GTS at stock is 47C.... screen capture attached....

Using a 120mm fan in front of case to blow air over hr03 and cases back plates are removed foor hot air to flow out...

IMPORTANT: the ram sinks will not stay on with the stock sticky tape - they will fall off and create problems.... I have stuck the ram sinks with artic silver adhesive.... TAKE CARE this is a life long bond - ram sinks cannot be removed once stuck with ASA !!

I have some Shin etsu thermal pad with me... if the ram sinks do fall off.. i will take care of them that way.

Can you tell me your ambient temparatures... ?
KiD0M4N said:
I have some Shin etsu thermal pad with me... if the ram sinks do fall off.. i will take care of them that way.

Can you tell me your ambient temparatures... ?

This is getting interesting. Eazy could you post a pic of the AS adhesive pad you've used? Or is it an adhesive substance? Where is it available, gulbir?

I'm also getting an HR03 plus when my card arrives and would like to know the cons and issues with installing the cooler and the ram sinks.

btw do the ram sinks work? Cause they look like aluminium. Isn't copper better? Though that would corrode wouldn't it?

So a 92mm fan is better? Panaflo medium good enough for a 600/2000 MHz 8800GTX? Or should I go high CFM?

I've also asked for the S FLEX 63 CFM 120mm for the ultra 120. Karan is this good enough (e6750/q6600)?
Ero-Sannin said:
whos that burger who bought the heatsnik?and how much did the entire shipment cost?

The entire shipment was over Rs 40k :) And I am the maharaja-burger who got the heatsinks! :)

@ Vandal: Yea mate... the stock cooler is more than enough for 600/2000 :) A 64cfm Scythe is a welcome respite for use with a Ultra 120 :) Temps will be high with the Q6600, but nothing that the new G0 wouldn't like!
Dude, excellent stuff there!!!
From the photo, looks like you got the Purple Glowing IDE Cable. I have it too (from Sidewinders). It looks nice, but mine stopped glowing within a month :(