Bad news ! Ps3 to be expensive !

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Sony president says Playstation 3 will be expensive
AT THIS WEEK'S Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation Meeting in Tokyo, company president Ken Kutaragi meandered along to continue with his solemn warnings that the PlayStation 3 will not be a cheap console, even going so far as to say that "…the PS3 can't be offered at a price that's targeted towards households."

Well err, who else were you thinking of selling it to? That aside, he does say that Sony is planning a lifecycle of ten years for the PS3, which is about double what its predecessors got. Sony hopes to maintain this long life-cycle by investing now in those expensive pieces of kit, saying "We're looking at a life cycle of 10 years with the PlayStation 3. We're currently shifting from standard TVs to HDTVs.

"But in the next couple of years, most flat-panel TVs will be full HD. We're releasing the PS3 with full HD features from the start so that consumers won't have to buy another version of the console in the future. For the same reason, we're using Blu-ray as the PS3's disc format."

He also showed the first slides of the early dev kits and told the audience that Sony intends to meet the huge demand from developers to get their hands on the technology by October, as at the moment the number currently shipped to developers is only around 450, though they’ll ramp that up to 3,000 a month come October.

We can’t help but get uneasy feelings in our stomachs about the PS3 considering that it’ll be coming to market so long after the Xbox 360 and with a price tag to boot. Wonder how far that loyal PlayStation fan base will stretch? µ


Looks like Sony is betting that ps3 hardware superiority will be getting it customers ! what with sony already making a late entry and the high price, the ps3 might not be as popular as we all guessed it to be !
sony will own xbox no matter when it will come & no matter @ what price.

the game base of sony has always been better & this time even the hardware is better than the others. so there is no stopping them now.
^^ dont b so sure stormblast ! MS has a good games lineup and low cost than the ps3 to boot ! and read this
…the PS3 can't be offered at a price that's targeted towards households."

So how do they plan to sell it to then ?? research groups or multi millionaires ! Or better still is it just an expensive tech demo ! i see a lot of wrong things happening right now !
Me too.... But then sony has been around for a looooong time... So, we cannot underestimate them. I feel that Sony has worked things out and they are looking to make as much profit as possible without driving away people.

I think PS3 will be more expensive than XBOX 360 but not by so much that people will ditch it. It will be just more so that people will feel happy to pay extra and get better hardware.....
If it costs anything more than 500$, then is DOA. No one will buy a game console for more than that when its competitor is available for 300$.
Thats what i was trying to say ! No matter what games they have and what fabulous hardware it has if the competitor has a cheaper alternative ppl will switch. The ps2 with pvr capabilities dies a slow death due to its high price !
Nope, Sony will pwn the XBOX 360, better specs, better games ! and you know there are
so many people who bought 7800GTX when it was just released that too two cards in SLI !!!

Sony is definately banking on this base, although small and many other US and UK households who can spend !

As far as India goes, I bet you'll find it on Lamington road for $400 easily, cause my freind bought the japanese PSP for 17k at Lamington road, when it wasn't even released in the US !
High price is gonna make a big impact... If they say that shelflife of the console is going to be around ten years then they will make huge profits on the games which will release... I think they should reduce the price of the PS3 and bank on thier titles... The game titles shouldl make up for the loss... I just hope sony doesnt screw up this time...
i am in tokyo for next 2 month at least.
if it relaease in that time and some one wants then please tell me.

i will bring it.

before getting released in india you can have it.

so guys who wants it................
no probs....

i am coming back again in Nov or Dec for 8 or 9 months.

i can get it the day it will release.

i might need to wait in long line.

Jap people are crazy about PS3.

i daily hear something about new things are coming and who is purchasing it.

one day before release you can see the line to buy it.

i love these people who love tech....
Japanese are always tech crazy.... That is why Sony releases everything first in Japan. But it is low profile compared to the US and Eurpe launch.

Ps1, PS2, PSP, everything was launched first in japan
That's it!! M$ just can't a better opportunity than this. Ps3 had 360 owned, but becuase of this news - the common will opt for 360.
By doing this(bad move sony), the immense fanbase of Sony's might backfire, because of 360 being almost on par and cheaper.
We'll have to wait for mid 2007 now to see who actually won, because of people
might wait for ps3 to fall in prices.
Nah ! The real fanbase can afford both the PS3 and the 360 ! I might be interested in the PS3 Avi, though there is still a long time for that...
I think that guy (Ken) should really learn to keep his mouth shut and leave publicity to the experts. Maybe this is part of their plan, but unless they are suddenly going to pull out a rabbit from the hat and say that they are going to release b4 xbox 360, they will scare people into buying their competitor's product. Plus, the XBOX 360 dev kit was out 2 years ago. And these guys (Sony) have only shipped 450 yet??? How the hell are they going to get games out in time?
earlier i was being decided to place ps3 in indian market at ard......36-38k........but now i guess it will b mor xpensive(mayb ard 42-50k)........regardin....
psp sony has geared up its war against hackers.......who r trying to mak games run through memory stick loaded frm has released firmware abov 1.5....which disable it..but ppl r getting old firmware sony has decided that new games will hav automatic firmware upgrade...which means when trying to load that game..automatically firmware will b upgraded...and piracy will stop....but i heard.....some hacker has disable that feature also...
"lifecycle of ten years"... wot r they thinking?? no piece of hardware can claim to so future-proof (thought the PS3 probably comes close)
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