Badaboom - Encode/Transcode ur videos faster than i7 with ur GPU (CUDA required)

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Badaboom is a software developed by Nvidia used to encode/Transcode videos many times FASTER than your processor. It uses CUDA to process videos.
here is the video:

Don't download it from the description, its a virus

and this is their site:
Just encoded a movie in 15 minutes which would have taken 6 hours if i had used CPU based encoder
^^ Dude agree its fast but difference is not that great. On my setup with an old GPU, GT250 i think, it took me 20 mins to encode a video, the same video took almost same or less time on i7860.
^^ I know but really it doesn't take that much of time. Maybe I'm encoding only 700Mb movies n not big files so.
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