Ban On Galaxy Nexus In US Temporarily Lifted , Ban On Galaxy Note 10.1 Still In Place

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Ban On Galaxy Nexus In US Temporarily Lifted , Ban On Galaxy Note 10.1 Still In Place

Recently Apple was able to get the sales of Galaxy Nexus smartphones banned in the US claiming that the product infringes on its patents . The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 also faced a similar ban few days back .


Today , US court lifted the ban on the Galaxy Nexus temporarily , but kept the ban on Galaxy Note 10.1 intact . The stay on the ban is given until Apple gives its arguments to the court .

On the other hand , the 10.1 inch tablet which Apple claims to copy iPad's design is still banned and judges refused to lift the ban and said there was "evidence that Samsung altered its design to make its product look more like Apple's" and that Apple had "presented a strong case" for the injunction.

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